I look up just as my Sky walks into the
office, face smudged, hair disheveled, and carrying a small tool box, his messenger
bag and a suit bag, “What happened?”
“My truck finally gave out,” he says placing
the tool box on the floor beneath the coat rack, “I tried to patch it up the
best I could but then the transmission went and I knew it was done for. I told
the tow guy to just take it to the junk yard,” he runs a hand through his bangs
and sighs, “I spent over an hour workin’ on it beside the road while people
were zooming by and that didn’t help either. It’s a good thing that it happened
after the Omandin meeting.”
I take in his appearance, dusty blue jeans and
an old gray sweatshirt that’s seen better days, “Do you always keep a spare set
of clothes in your truck?” I have to grin at the thought of my Sky changing
clothes in his truck. Maybe I'll buy him a new one with plenty of room to play
around in.
He blushes, it’s adorable, “Figured it
couldn’t hurt, especially with the suits and all,” he looks at his watch, “Aw
shit, I’m gonna be late meeting Daevin,” he rushes off to get cleaned up. He
only has four minutes before he’s to meet with Daevin. The extra time was in
case the meeting took longer. I make a call to Carol and get her to relay the
message that my Sky will be late before going to find him in the back.
I come into my room and hear the shower. I
close the door and make my way over to the bathroom. The water shuts off as I
lean against the doorframe and listen to him wring the water from his hair. He
steps out and takes a towel from the rack before he notices I’m here. He smiles
shyly and starts to dry his hair. I walk over to the rack and grab another
towel and dry his body, taking my time to admire his lean lines. I look up at
him as I sink down to dry his legs and see my Sky blush. I come back to his
hips and stop there and just look at him. My Sky is so beautiful. I let the
towel fall so I can feel his skin. He takes the towel from his hair, it falls against him in thick damp locks. He tries to
move but I keep him still.
“Ares, I’m late enough as it is. I don’t want
him mad at me.”
“He knows you’ll be late. I sent word with
Carol,” I say then kiss his thigh.
“Ares, we can do this after I meet with Mr.
Daevin,” he says as I keep placing kisses on his tender flesh. I come closer to
his length and it stirs, “Ares, please, not now.”
“I told Carol to tell him what happened and
that you’re cleaning up,” I reply. I want to taste you my Sky. I take his
length in my hand and he gasps softly. I continue to rain kisses on my Sky, his
breathy gasps becoming moans as I kiss along his length. Why he calls it his
‘piece’ I’ll never know. I take him in my mouth and I feel his hands come into
my hair, I look up at my Sky and see his head is bowed and eyes are closed,
those beautiful lips parted. I lick slowly along his slit, the moan coming from
his lips breathtaking. I steady his hips as I take more of him in my mouth,
slowly moving the tip of my tongue along the underside of his length, his
fingers gripping my hair. I love the taste of his flesh here, I have to moan.
His mouth starts moving, soundless gasps coming forth and his body trembles
faintly. I pull him from my mouth with equal care, his eyes open slightly, missing the warmth he was buried within. I descend on my Sky
again, drawing another moan and a desired look. I love my Sky.
I take him completely, my nose brushing against
the light dusting of curls at his base. I cup his cheeks in my hands and
swallow around him, causing him to call out my name at the sensation. His hands
come to my shoulders to steady himself as he bends
over. I swallow around him a few more times before retreating on his delicious
length keeping his thick head in my mouth. I lap at his slit savoring his taste
and creating a litany of my name on his lips. It’s not long before my Sky’s
body starts to tremble with his oncoming release. I bob along his shaft, giving
him the love he so rightly deserves.
“A-A-ARES!” he shouts as he floods my mouth
with his essence, such a glorious sound. When I take the last drop from my Sky
I ease him down to straddle my thighs, his forehead resting against mine, his
breathing labored, his face flushed.
“My Sky,” I say and kiss him lightly. His arms
come around me as I hold him close. We stay like this for a minute then he
tries to pull away.
“Ares, let go, I’m still wet,” he says softly.
I don’t care, “Ares, I’m getting your clothes wet,” that’s fine with me, “I
still have to dry my hair and meet with Mr. Daevin,” he’ll survive. I pull back
just enough to look into those gorgeous amethyst eyes, “Ares…”
“I love you my Sky.”
He stops fidgeting and smiles at me, “I love
you too Ares.”
Those are the five most precious words in the
world to me.
“I have survived my freshman year!” he
exclaims coming into the office. I can’t help but smile. The last few weeks
weren’t too pleasant. His in class professors didn’t want him to be allowed to
take his finals since I took him with me to
Once we returned his professors wanted to fail
him since he wasn’t present on their respective exam days. I kindly let them
know that I needed him on the trip and they were informed of it ahead of time.
They could have just as easily given him the chance to take them before he left
and chose not to do so. The department head sided with me and he was allowed to
take his finals. I hope that my Sky can take all of his classes online like he
did with design. Those classes were a lot less stressful on him save for his
final project. There had been a few times he was too tired to do anything other
than sleep in my arms before he finished them.
“Congratulations my Sky,” I say coming over to
hug him.
“Thanks Ares,” he says, “So what’s our
schedule like today?”
“Just two meetings and we’re done. I’m taking
the one with Long and company at eleven and you’re taking Robinson at one.”
“Cool, I like them,” he says, “Do you want to
do anything after work? My online classes don’t start for another month so I’m
free for whatever.”
“We can go you Fire if you like. Giovanni said
that the DJ you mentioned liking is doing a week long run.”
“Really? Sweet!”
I love it when he’s happy. He pulls away slowly, but I bring him back to me,
“Ares, I can’t get any work done if we stay here like this,” sadly he is right.
Though there isn’t much, he doesn’t like to leave until his desk is clear. I
kiss his forehead and let him slip from my arms. I’ll make sure he has a good
time tonight.
His moves are so fluid a he dances among the
crowd. Giovanni had said that it has been a packed house in the underground
when word got out that this DJ Ren was going to be in
town for the week. His sales from the first three nights alone almost doubled
what normally came in in two weeks time. When he told
me this on the phone I could picture him in his ‘hyper-happy’ state as he calls
it. He’s like a kid with too much caffeine in his system. At forty-five the man
can be just as hyper as a five year old at Halloween. It must be in his genes
since his sisters are the same way, but twenty-four seven.
The music starts to increase in tempo and
bodies are matching the rhythm. I do enjoy watching him dance. When we met
Giovanni the first time and his eyes lit up when he spoke of the lower level I
could tell he would enjoy coming here. Watching him when we returned during
club hours was breathtaking. I wanted to murder that bastard that felt he
needed to put his hands all over my Sky. That’s when I knew I needed him in my
life. I couldn’t stand the thought of someone mistreating him. He’s been
through enough in his young life and as long as there’s breath in me I’ll keep
him from any more pain.
My Sky makes his way back to me, weaving
gracefully through the mass of people as the DJ transitions into something a
bit slower maybe. I’ve never really listened to this type of music so I can’t
really tell. I do know that my Sky moves well to it. I’m glad the lighting is
such that you can’t really see much past the upper half of a person’s body
because seeing him move is definitely arousing. Once he comes within reach of
me I pull him close. He leans against me for a moment before moving beside me
at the bar to get something to drink. As I look back over the crowd again I
notice out of the corner of my eye one of the bartenders talking with one of
the clubbers and looking in my Sky’s direction. She nods at the clubber and
goes to mix a drink. Interesting, someone’s buying my Sky as drink. I wonder if
they realize that he came here with someone. The bartender, a gentle looking
blonde comes to our end and places a sex on the beach in front of my Sky. He
looks at the drink and then to the bartender, Sarah I think that’s her name.
Giovanni has six women working here named Sarah, very interesting. She points
down the bar at the person that bought him the drink. It’s a guy with short
dark hair and blue eyes lit by the steady light of the bar. My Sky looks in my
direction and I turn my head to him. He looks at the drink then back to me. I shrug
and look in the direction of the guy. My Sky pushes the drink towards Sarah and
shakes his head. He goes back to drinking his water and all is fine for a few
My Sky leans against me as he turns to face
the crowd. The guy that bought him the drink comes to us. He slips in on the
other side of my Sky and I turn my eyes in his direction. He leans in and talks
to my Sky. I can’t make out what since the music has picked up again. Sky
shakes his head at him but he doesn’t seem to take the hint. I slip my arm
around my Sky and pull him closer to me before fully looking in their
direction. The guy looks at me for a moment before leaning back to talk to my
Sky. He needs to leave before I snap his neck. My Sky shakes his head again and
his left arm comes over my mid-section. The guy looks at me again, he's just
asking for it tonight. My Sky can’t help he looks great, but he is here with
his man…me.
I narrow my gaze at the guy. It’s better for
all if you just leave jackass. I’m not in the mood to hurt you but will if I
have to. Siren has great lawyers. The guy takes a step in my direction and my
Sky pushes him back and shakes his head. Ah, now you’ve made him mad. I should
end you. I begin to move towards him but he finally takes the hint and backs
off. Good, you have some firing
synapses after all. Once he disappears from sight I lean down and kiss the top
of my Sky’s head.
“Do you want to go up now?” I lean down to his
He shakes his head, “Let’s stay a little bit
We stand there for a few minutes watching the
flow of the crown before the mood takes my Sky again and he slips away into the
sea of bodies. I scan the area for that asshole but I don’t see him. Good. A half an hour later my Sky comes back to me and leans against me
panting slightly.
“Let’s go up now,” I say as the music
transitions again and I can actually hear my voice. He looks up and nods and we
make our way to the upper level.
I spot the jackass as we’re on the main level
being taken out by the bouncers Mike and Ian. I grin as my Sky tugs me up the
stairs to the ‘mellow fire’ as Giovanni calls it. We reach the top and are
seated in a reserved section. The server, another Sarah, takes our order and
comes back with Giovanni in tow. How is it he always has a section reserved for
us? It’s not like he knew we were coming and with the popularity of this newer
level I know he doesn’t just have a section reserved for us every night. He
knows I work too much. It has to be Daevin. I get it already.
“Did you enjoy yourself downstairs Sky?” he
asks sitting across from us. My Sky smiles and takes a sip of his drink.
Giovanni smiles and looks in my direction. It’s always been a habit of his to
look over whatever I’m wearing when I’m not in a suit and tie. He nods
approvingly at the soft leather pants and micro mesh long sleeved shirt I’m
wearing. I’ve never worn anything like this around him. When he’s seen me out
of a suit it’s been either in blue jeans or nothing at all. I’m not the one for
the club scene, reason being those two assholes that tried to pick up my Sky.
The few times I did go to a club ended in similar happenings, none of which I
nor the other persons involved came away without shedding some blood.
“I must say Sky, I
like how you’ve dressed up Ares tonight. Very delectable.”
My Sky shakes his head, “He just showed up at
my door dressed like this. I had nothing to do with it.”
“Well now, then I’m impressed that you’ve
gotten him to come back.”
He shakes his head again, “His idea, a treat
for completing my first year.”
“Congratulations are in order then,” Giovanni
catches Sarah’s attention, “Sarah, oh, do you prefer
Patron or Cristal Sky?”
“Uh, Patron I guess.”
“Patron Sarah, on the
The brunette soon comes back with a glass
bucket filled with ice and a bottle of Grand Patron Premium nestled among the
cubes and shot glasses. We probably won’t make it in to work tomorrow. Giovanni
smiles as she sits down the tray.
“Shall we gentlemen?”
“Sky not coming in
Anthony asks like it’s any of his business.
He leans against the counter beside me. I’m
really not in the mood for this. My headache finally went away. I wished my Sky
chose Cristal instead of Patron…well…
“You wear him out last night?”
“Why do you need to know?”
“From what G told me he had a blast.”
I look at him for a second. No one…
“Carol told me Sky was in a good mood so I
called and got him to reserve you guys a section.”
Figures. He’s been talking to
Giovanni a lot lately. I hide my smirk behind my mug. He’s going for sloppy
“So is he hung over or can he just not walk
“He’ll be in later today Anthony. Ask him
yourself,” like he’ll tell you anything.
“G seemed to have fun last night himself.”
He did. One thing I know that man is capable
of is drinking. He and my Sky were almost doing shot for shot when I reminded
him that we still had to work the next day. Wait, when… “You were there?”
“Yeah I popped in for a bit. I didn’t see you
guys on the main so I guess you two were either up or below. I didn’t catch G
‘til later so it must have been after you two left.”
He’s going after Giovanni, now this is interesting, “You’ve been
talking with Giovanni a lot lately. Is he your next conquest?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.”
You are.
“You know, it’s nice to see you happy again
Ares,” I swallow my coffee before I choke on it. Where the hell is this coming
from? “You two look good together.”
“Is there something you want Anthony?” he
opens his mouth, “No I’m not kissing you,” he closes his mouth, his bottom lip
protruding slightly. He’ll get over it. Giovanni’s a good kisser…not as good as
my Sky, but still good.
“Just wonderin’ if Sky had a good time that’s
all,” he looks me over, “You seemed to have weathered the tequila run quite
“I was driving.”
“Ah being the responsible one, that’s so like
“You should know, the many times I’ve had to
drag you out of bars in
“Yeah, those were good times.”
“I’m surprised you’re still alive.”
“That’s because you were watchin’ my back,” he
says nudging me.
“Somebody had to.”
“Thanks,” he says leaning over and kissing me
on the cheek. I shake my head. Idiot. He’s still too
close…move, “Why can’t I have a kiss Ares?”
“I’m in a relationship for one,” I reply, “And
he’s quite handy with a balisong.”
He backs off a bit, “Oh yeah…Hey can I kiss
him? It’ll be like an indirect kiss from you?”
Did you come across some bad weed? “No.”
“Aw, come on…”
“You try and you’ll wake up without lips.”
“Then just kiss me quick and I won’t ask you
again. Please?”
“Ares can you kiss that red-headed idiot so
he’ll shut up? He’s makin’ too much noise,” comes my
Sky. We look in his direction as he walks slowly over to us. My poor Sky is
still hung over, it is cute though. He comes and leans against me as I sit down
my mug. I put my arms around him and he snuggles into me.
“How are you feeling?” I ask softly.
“Headache,” he mumbles into my tie. I kiss the
top of his head and his arms find their way around me. I look over at Anthony, his eyes could almost sparkle like a cartoon
“Are you alright with that?”
He nods, “If it’ll shut him up,” he leans back
to look at me with his still sleepy eyes. I duck my head and capture his lips.
He tightens his hold on me until we part. I look at Anthony again, he looks like
he’s about to succumb to sugar shock.
“This is the only time, got it?” he nods eagerly, “Idiot,” I mumble and reach
out to grab the back of his head and bring his lips to mine. I already knew
that he’ll expect some tongue so I go ahead and slip him some. He moans softly.
Giovanni can tell you I’m a good kisser, as can my Sky.
“That’s all you’re getting,” I say puling away
from him. He’s got a slight daze to him. My guess is he wasn’t expecting it to
be like that. He blinks a few times.
“Anthony can you go away so I can play with my
man?” my Sky says tightening his hold on me again. I feel his length pressing
against me. Anthony is still looking at me then shakes his head and comes back
to reality.
“Leave. I want to play with my man.”
“…Yeah…sure…” he says and walks out of the
kitchen. My Sky giggles as he leaves.
“I think you took his breath away with that
“Good, now maybe he’ll stop bothering me.”
"That did
look pretty hot though, the two of you kissing like that," he says. I
figured he'd like that since he's slowly grinding his hips against me, “…So
what are we doing today?”
“Just paperwork.”
“…Good. I wanna plaaaay.”
I have to smile, “As you wish my Sky.”
He takes me by the hand and leads me to the
bedroom. For someone with a hangover, he’s still playful. Last night was most
certainly interesting when we arrived back at the Acropolis. Thankfully my
apartment is closer or I’d have had to deal with a naked Sky in the hallway. I
do admit, the striptease was quite good, but that’s a show that’s reserved for
the confines of our apartments. As soon as I got him inside off came the tight
black leather pants. The dark green button down came off halfway to my door. I
wanted him right there, but I knew the other tenants were actually in their
places for once. He had taken his shoes off just as we stepped out of the
elevator. I placed his shoes beside the coat rack and was treated to a lovely
view of my Sky bending over and sensuously sliding down his pants. He looked
around at me as I was still bent slightly and asked me if I liked what I saw. I
answered his question until my clock read seven twelve when I finally closed my
eyes to sleep.
Amazingly enough it was my Sky that woke me,
his hangover not kicking in yet as he burrowed beneath the covers to wake me
with his very talented mouth. For a slight moment, I had a flashback of seeing
Kenneth doing the same thing. It wasn’t unusual for him to coax me out of sleep
with a blowjob when I was at the office. When my eyes focused on the room
around me I knew it wasn’t him, I’ve never invited him to my apartment. My
Sky’s moan had me pulling back the covers to watch him taste me. I pushed back
a few locks of his hair as they spilled over my body so I could keep my sight
of him taking all of me in his mouth. I never would have imagined that he had
that talent if I hadn’t already witnessed it the first time I took him to Fire.
I had a hard time keeping my eyes open to watch my Sky ‘pay homage’ to me like
he did that night. I don’t think he meant to say that out loud but I wasn’t
about to call him on it the next morning. Just seeing him come into the kitchen
and sit down naked like it was an everyday thing was enough to keep me from
saying so. I still can’t believe Giovanni told him about me being ticklish.
Maybe I should tell Anthony a few things about him.
We step inside the bedroom and my Sky eagerly
seeks out my lips for another kiss. I feel his hands work at my tie quickly
slipping it from my neck, “I thought you had a headache,” I say when we part,
he smiles.
“Just a small one, but I think I know how to
get rid of it.”
“You haven’t had any coffee, that’s why you
were acting sluggish.”
“Mmhmm,” he says
unbuttoning my shirt. I slip off my shirt and toss it in the chair behind me.
He pushes up my A-shirt kissing flesh as soon as it came into sight. He sets to
sucking on my left nipple when his hands come to my belt fingers occasionally
brushing my length.
“You need to be naked as well my Sky,” I say
pulling the A-shirt over my head. He says nothing as his mouth is still
occupied with my nipple. I take his head in my hands and bring his lips to mine
again as he unzips my pants. His hands then make their way inside my boxers and
reach around to take hold of me from behind. I have to say that I’m impressed
with this side of my Sky. His boldness is refreshing, alcohol-induced or not.
We part and I lean my forehead against his and remove his tie, “I want you
naked my Sky,” he shivers at the sound of my voice when I call him that. He
still holds on to my ass as I toss his tie behind me and then deftly unbutton
his shirt, “You'll have to let got for a bit,” I say and he pouts as his hands
have to leave so I can relieve his upper body of the layers separating his skin
from mine. As soon as his chest is bare his hands come right back, “I take it
you like that part of me?”
He smiles, “Most definitely,” he replies,
“You’ve got the best ass I’ve ever had in my hands. Nice and firm and just begging to be squeezed by me,” his right
hand starts moving to my front, “Though I have to say that this,” he says
taking my length in his hand, “is the part my mouth loves the most.”
My Sky strokes me and my eyes close. His touch
does something to me that no one else’s has before. It’s highly intoxicating
and I moan to let him know it. I feel his left hand move to rid me of my boxers
and I aid him before going to work on his still clothed lower half. When his
pants and boxers meet the floor I take him in my hand and draw moans from his
sweet lips. After a minute of stroking each other’s need, I stop my hand and his, he looks so adorable when he pouts.
“Ares…don’t stop…”
“It’ll be easier to move if we weren’t
standing here with out pants around our ankles love,” I say. He looks down
before giggling at our state of dress. We divest ourselves of the rest of our
clothing and move to the bed. Our lips meet again as we resume our previous
activities. Soon he brings his body flush against mine, our lengths coming
together and both of us moaning at the sensation. I love feeing his body
against mine. He begins thrusting his hips against me and I feel my control
slipping slightly. I need to be inside him. He nudges against me wanting me on
my back. As soon as I am he’s atop me and I take hold of his hips. He whimpers
as I keep him still, trying to gain some control. I want so badly to have him
under me screaming in ecstasy.
“…I need…to be…inside you…” I say. He brings
his lips to mine and as we kiss I roll us over. I need to be within his depths,
surrounded by his heat. I slide my right hand down his side and slip in between
our bodies to take his length in my hand, his moan breaking our kiss. I kiss my
way down his body while teasing his length before going down to his entrance.
His hips arch into me as I take him in my mouth, his cries passionate. I tease
his entrance the same way I tease his slit and his hips rock back and forth
between my mouth and my finger wanting more.
I let off from both to get the lube. I want to be buried inside my Sky
when I release. I put some on my fingers and resume teasing my Sky until he
impales himself on my fingers a welcome sigh of pleasure comes from his lips as
he feels me inside him at last. I suckle tenderly on his head, savoring the
feel of him in my mouth. My tongue wanders all over his head rememorizing every
part of it. I dip into his slit again as I add more fingers and stretch him, my
own desire coming close to painful but I love tasting my Sky and watching him
“…Ares…I can’t….I need….inside…now,”
he moans. I take one last slow lick of his slit before releasing him and making
my way up his lean body. When I come to his lips he’s eager to kiss me. His
hands reach down and take hold of me and stroke gently and I find myself
thrusting into his hands. One hand leaves and then I feel the coolness of the
lube on my length before he strokes me again coating me. Soon enough he places
me at his entrance and bucks against me as soon as my tip breaches his
entrance. He wraps his legs around me and then I’m buried to the hilt inside
him, my breath catching as I’m suddenly engulfed in my Sky. His hips move
against me not more than a few seconds later and it dictates our pace as I
stroke my Sky from within. His hands grip my shoulders tightly, his cries
driving me to make his pleasure my own as I thrust into him. He squeezes me
tight as I reach between us to take him in my hand again. I want to feel his
body shudder in ecstasy around me as he climaxes. My thrusts hit his prostate
and send him spiraling towards release, his head pushed back into the pillows,
his gorgeous mouth open with his vocal pleasure filling my ears as he repeats
my name over and over. That’s it my Sky, come for me. His body stills beneath
me, his seed hot against my hand and chest as he releases his love for me. I
only manage a few more thrusts before giving him my love. My head is bowed next
to his as I try to catch my breath. I need more of him.
After a minute I flex my hips and feel him
moan beneath me, stirring my length again. I push into his warm wet tunnel
relishing the feel of my Sky. I raise my head to kiss his slightly swollen
lips, “Let me ride you,” he says when we part. I roll us over and let him take
control. He sits up fully sending me deeper inside him and the look on his face
is pure bliss. I love him so much. He starts moving and it has us both moaning.
I never thought I would enjoy this position ever. Seeing my Sky above me, his
head back, his body moving as fluidly as it does on the dance floor has me only
wanting him in this position with me, no one else.
“My Sky,” I say as he moves on my length. I
take his hips in my hands to feel his body moving above me. His hands then come
to mine interlocking our fingers and he moves them away from his body to create
leverage to ride me harder. His grip around me tightens as he arches forward,
his breath coming in harsh pants. I can’t help but thrust up into that
wonderful wet heat of my Sky sharply connecting our movements. I release our
hands and take his hips again and drive him down on me, his cries loud and
becoming louder as he takes his length and strokes to match my thrusts.
Watching him stroke himself adds even more fuel to my fire, he’s so beautiful,
body glistening as his orgasm draws near. My Sky’s body shudders hard and his
seed is then landing on my chest in heavy spurts as he tightens around my
length. A blissful cry escapes me as I fill my Sky again. He collapses against
me and I wrap my arms around him as we fight to breathe.
Minutes pass and I feel my Sky move his hips
against me, awakening me again. He gently squeezes my length and I turn is over
and bury my tongue in his mouth. Soon we’re meeting each other thrust for
thrust and resulting in yet another breathtaking climax. I finally slip from
within his depths to lay beside him. He curls on his
side and drapes his arm over my chest.
“Do you feel better?” I ask softly looking
into his amethyst eyes.
“Oh yes,” he replies, “I knew having my god of
war inside me would get rid of my headache,” he shifts so that our foreheads
touch, “I love you Ares.”
“I love you too my Sky.”
I wake up not feeling my Sky next to me. I
look in the spot beside me and see a note written in his writing, ‘You looked too peaceful to wake up. Take
your time, we’ve got an easy day today.’ I sit up and smile.
“You look a lot better when you’re rested,” comes Daevin from the door.
“Did you need something?” I ask picking up the
note and placing it on the nightstand to my right. Daevin comes in, closing the
door behind him. I eye him as he comes around to my side of the bed before
sitting down. Covering myself is absolutely pointless
since he’s seen it all before, “Where’s Daniels?”
“Carol and Anthony took him out to lunch,”
Daevin says, “You two have fun last night?”
“Ask your brother, he already knows.”
Daevin looks over my form. He’s got that look in
his eyes, “You have no idea how badly I want to taste you right now Ares.”
“That’s not going to happen, unless you want
to deal with my assistant and believe me, he won’t be happy with you touching
“Would you believe me
if I told you that I’m willing to take that risk?”
“I know you’d be willing Daevin. Either way
it’s still not going to happen,” he sighs and nods, “What else do you want from me?”
“Nothing in
None of your staff has seen you in the last four hours and I just wondered
where you were.”
“You could have called.”
“Yes, but then I wouldn’t have been treated to
this wonderful sight.”
“You should leave before he comes back.”
“I have seen you naked before Ares,” he says,
“I’ve even tasted you, remember?”
“I remember. I’m with Daniels now so you can
turn your attentions elsewhere.”
“If only there were someone as delicious as
you I would.”
“Patrick I’ve never been interested in you in
that way.”
“I really wish I could say the same Ares. I’m
glad that you have the better restraint.”
“And a boyfriend that’s really handy with a
He sits back some and laughs, “I’ve seen the
footage and still can’t believe that’s him,” the mood between us now lightened,
“You really know how to pick ‘em Ares.”
The door opens and in pops my Sky. He looks at
Daevin then to me as he walks over to the bed then crawling over and wrapping
his arms around me. He leans his head against mine, kissing my cheek before
looking at Daevin, “I know I don’t have to tell you since you’ve seen it first
hand, but I do kindly ask that you see him when he’s properly dressed. I
haven’t had a lot of time to sharpen my knives so they might make your wounds a
bit nastier if I had to use them.”
“…Daniels, are you threatening me?”
My Sky shakes his head, “No, just making sure
you understand that he’s mine.”
Daevin nods and stands, “I understand you
completely Daniels,” he leaves, closing the door behind him and I smile. It is
nice to see that side of him, knowing that he can hold his own.
“So how much did you hear?”
“Most of it. I saw him go around
the corner when I got back from lunch. I saw there were some more papers on my
desk and looked them over a bit before I remembered that I didn’t cover you and
headed back. So he has the hots for you?”
“How long has that been going on?”
“My guess is after Giovanni, maybe even before
“Well he can’t have you now that you’re mine.”
“As you are mine my Sky,” I just have to kiss
“If he tries anything with you…I will hurt
him…” he says when we part.
I cock a brow at him, “And you call me possessive?”
He smiles and leans his head to mine again,
“Well, your some of your possessiveness has rubbed off on me.”
“You don’t have to worry about him.”
“I know. I just don’t want anyone thinking
they can have you when they please.”
“What about Anthony?”
“I don’t think he knew what to make of that
kiss. He’s probably never had someone lay it on him like that.”
“Giovanni would, if given the proper chance.”
“You think he’s goin’ after Giovanni?”
“He’s the one that made the reservations for
us at Fire last night.”
“What does Giovanni think about him?”
“I honestly don’t know.”
My Sky hands begin to wander my body, “They
might actually work, ya know?”
“It’s a possibility,” silence slips between us
as his hands continue to roam over me. His touch does all kinds of things to
me. He’s the only one I want touching me like this.
His left hand comes down to my thigh, “Ya
know, I can’t really blame Mr. Daevin for trying though…you are quite a sight
when you’re asleep,” he then comes to my length bringing me to life quickly,
“But he can’t taste you anymore, got that?”
“Yes my Sky,” my eyes fall close as he strokes
me. I feel his lips come to mine and I kiss him intensely. His hand speeds up
and I moan into his mouth.
“Taste me, my Sky.”
He smiles that gorgeous smile of his, “With
pleasure, my war god.”
“Chambers, a moment please?” I slow my steps
and look behind me to see Wren. He’s make a point of avoiding me since the
initial meeting with
“What do you need,” I say looking him over.
He’s got that calm look about him, that could mean
just about anything with him, “If this has to do with him I’m not listening.”
“I meant what I said Wren, you lay a hand on
him and you’re taking a dive from the top of the building.”
The elevator door opens and we step inside. He
waves away others wanting to enter. He must have something up his sleeve. He
presses the button for my floor and that’s all. The doors close and he faces
“You knew Daniels was not under your
supervision Wren. It’s your own fault for saying such things.”
“He…has asked for a form of…compromise,” he
says carefully. Why the hell would I care about a compromise?
“Send him Kenneth, that
should suffice.”
“No, no, I’ve tried that. Markus has already
altered him again and the bandages aren’t coming off for another two weeks.”
“What is this compromise.”
“He wants you…for a night.”
I narrow my eyes at him. He steps back,
“There’s no way in hell that’s going to happen.”
“Ares, it-,” I look at him sharply, “Forgive
me, Chambers, it is only for one night of your company.”
“I have no desire to spend and evening with
someone that wants to punish my assistant for putting him in his place.”
“He promises nothing out of the ordinary. Just
the standard date,” Wren says like that’s going to make it any better.
“Then you go.”
“He doesn’t want me. He wants you.”
“Well then he’s just going to have to
entertain himself because its not happening,” the
doors open and I get out with him following.
“Please Chambers,
it’s just for one night.”
“And I’m telling you it’s not happening Wren.”
“I wouldn’t be so adamant about this if it
weren’t affecting me,” he says sounding stern. I stop and look at him.
“You caused this, you can fix it.”
“And I choose to fix this by getting you to
handle it. Don’t tell me you’re afraid to go on a date with someone Chambers.
It’s been quite a while since that incident with your last assistant,
surely a man like you can get over it.”
“I am over it Wren. And I’m telling you that
I’m not cleaning up your mess this time.”
“…You’re involved with him, aren’t you.”
He really needs to get out more, “I’m not
doing it.”
“Hey Ares, hello Mr. Wren,” my Sky says
exiting the office. Wren looks him over then takes my gaze again.
“Just because you finally decide to bed one of
your assistants doesn’t protect him from the fact that he assaulted one of my
clients. In case you’ve forgotten, I do have more pull with this company than
you do Chambers.”
“What’s he talkin’ about,” Sky asks me.
“That was a couple of months ago, why the hell
is he still on that?”
“Because he has nothing better to do than be a
stick up Wren’s ass and now Wren is trying to talk me into meeting him.”
“If he knew when to shut his mouth I wouldn’t
have hit him,” my Sky replies. Wren is none too happy with the conversation Sky
and I are having about one of his favorite clients.
“I have half a mind to take you downstairs
right now,” he says to my Sky. Sky looks at him sharply.
“It’s not my fault your mouth wrote a check
your ass can’t cash.”
“Seriously Chambers, your assistant should
know better.”
“And you should know that saying you’ll punish
me was a lie from the start. I kinda remember Mr. Daevin assigning me to Ares, not
Wren looks at me, his look is the same that he
gives his disobedient pets or his fresher ones that haven’t learned their
place, “Chambers you would do well to reign him in,”
he says. One thing he’s never liked is people lower than him talking back to
him no matter where they worked in the company, “As well you will comply with
those conditions lest Daevin has to have the final say in the matter.”
“What conditions?” my Sky asks looking at me.
“Instead of you getting punished by
“Oh hell
no!” he responds and looks at Wren, “You got yourself into that pile of
shit and you can get yourself the fuck out of it!”
Wren stood there silent for a moment before
turning sharply and walking back to the elevators. There have only been a few times
that I’ve wanted to hurt that man, but I think I’d like it better if I let my
Sky loose on him.
“I may have a meeting with Daevin before the
hour is up,” I say.
“Damn, there goes lunch,” my Sky says, “My
“You’re fine my Sky.”
“Chambers, Tobias tells me that
“Wren shouldn’t have lied to him in the first
“Either way-,”
“I’m not doing it.”
“Just go on the damned date Ares,” he says
rubbing him temples, “I’m tired of hearing about him.”
“And you think I want to be around him?”
“It’s either you or Daniels, I don’t care. One
of you will go so this bullshit can be over and done with.”
Wren is sitting off to the side looking all
calm and relaxed. I want to strangle the smug bastard. I look in his direction,
“Thursday. Seven o’clock. He’ll
meet you at The Autumn Teahouse.”
I don’t bother to wait for Daevin to excuse me
and leave the room. I walk through the lobby with a presence that parts the
masses as I make my way to the company elevators. As if timed perfectly an
elevator is available and I step inside daring anyone when I turn around to
enter. Just as the doors start to close the redhead makes his way through the
crowd and steps inside before the doors close on him. Damn. He presses buttons
for our floors and looks at me once we start moving. For once he knows to keep
his mouth shut.
“I’m guessing you’re gonna be doin’ somethin’
you don’t want to with the way you walked through the lobby.”
I just look at him.
“Wren has been bitchy since that crap with
what’s-his-face. I guess you really have to deal with it now,” he’s quiet for a
floor then we come to the nineteenth. The doors open and he holds then before
stepping out all the way, “The sooner you start it, the sooner you finish,” and
leaves. I shake my head as the doors close, he’s right.