while it’s fun getting’ it on in the grass, it does come back to get ya later,”
Headbanger says before pushing himself off the fence beside me, “That’s why
it’s just easier to take a small blanket. Never thought about gettin’ it on at
the reserve though. But then again, I'm sure that with all the areas off the
beaten path, there are plenty of places to get primal. I might have to try that
one day,” he says smiling before walking over to the discus pit. While making
love outside on our anniversary was great, I still had to deal with the itchy
skin the next day. I took two showers before going to the first day of
training. Good thing we didn’t have to do too much. Rick, or Headbanger as The
Crew calls him felt the need to call me on it today since he noticed how stiff
I was. Good thing he waited until we weren’t around so many people. You never
would have guessed by looking at him that he was bi, or into metal. During
school, you could almost say he was a
preppy type, he always dressed to impress. Kind of like our principal. Mr.
We’re out at the shot and disc pit the second
day of training practicing technique when Coach Morgansen comes walking up with
a gorgeous redhead with vibrant dark green eyes. He looks to be a few inches
shorter than me, about Ali’s height. I’m so glad that I’m taller than she is
now, even if it is only by a few inches. But the person coming towards me now
makes me catch my breath. He’s got a lean build and looks like he can hold his
own. It was the same guy from the invitational. There he was, my temptation
personified. This can be trouble.
“Jake, I want you to meet Sage Walker.”
I blink and look him over quickly, “He’s Raime
Walker’s younger brother,” Coach says as they stop in front of me at the fence,
“Sage this is Jake Tervan, our number one shot put and discus thrower. His
throw in shot his freshman year was the best in the nation.”
“Wow,” he says extending his hand to me, “It’s
great to meet you.”
I take his hand in mine. He’s got a good grip,
his hands are mildly calloused and soft at the same time, “Same here. Your
sister went to school with my brother Andrew.”
“I thought you looked familiar. I remember
seeing you at their graduation. I think your mom was about to choke Raime or
I smile, “Yeah it was something, believe me.”
“Knowin’ Raime, I wouldn’t be surprised,” he
says smiling. Oh shit, he’s got a beautiful smile. I should have paid more
attention at graduation. I tried to think back to that day but all that was
coming to mind was his sister talking with Kimberly then my mom putting her
hands on her shoulders and inching towards her throat. That’s when Amber
started crying and mom had to stop. I tried to look anywhere but at what my mom was doing. I wonder
about her sometimes….my mom that is.
“Jake here’ll show you around and introduce
you to the rest of the shot and disc team or ‘The Crew’ as they like to call
themselves. If you need anything let him know and he’ll help you out. I’ll
leave you to it Jake.”
“Sure thing coach,” I say to his retreating
form, “I hear your sister’s stirrin’ things up over in
“That depends on whether it’s on or off the
“Andrew kept telling me that she’s a bit on
the strange side.”
He laughs, oh shit it’s a great laugh too,
“More like completely on the strange
side, but she has her moments of normalcy. They are a rarity, believe me.”
I smile at him again, “Well, let’s get you introduced
to the rest of The Crew. I’ll start with the guys since the Amazons aren’t here
yet,” I say as I start walkin’ over to the discus pit. He walks beside me, I
can’t help but peak at his profile. Oh damn, he would have to look good. Where the hell was he while his sister was
hitting on my brother’s then girlfriend?
“Yeah, our ladies. What ever you do, don’t ever call them girls. You’ll see why
when they get here.”
We get to the pit as the guys are taking turns
going through their spins, “Hey guys we’ve got a new member here. His name’s
Sage Walker,” I say getting their attention.
“Sage, huh,” Hip Hop says walking out of the
circle, “Guess your name’s gonna have to be Sage Francis.”
He blushes, sweet holy hell, “That’s
“What was that?” came Mark from the other side
of the pit.
“I think he said that was his middle name,”
Hip Hop spoke up. That got everyone’s attention. He got redder. Stop blushing
damnit! It’s making you look way too adorable to me! Wait, what the fuck am I
“Francis…is…my middle name…” he says looking
at the ground.
The guys laugh at that. I look at him. He’s
completely embarrassed by it. I can’t help but stick up for him. I put my arm
around his shoulder and give him a slight squeeze, “Alright guys knock it off.
He can’t help that his parents named him that. I doubt they’ve even heard of
the guy.”
“It’s cool,” Headbanger says walking over to
us, “I’m Rick, but I answer to Headbanger. Nice to meet ya Sage Francis.”
“I’m gonna be stuck with it aren’t I? And I
thought I heard it enough when Raime started callin’ me that,” he sighs, “I
guess everyone in school’s gonna be callin’ me that sooner or later,” he says
shaking hands with our resident metal man. He and Rocket are always talking
music when they’re around each other.
“Yeah, might as well get used to it,” said
Mark, “I’m Mark, and I just go by that, nothin’ special like some of the
others. This guy here,” he says pointing to a gangly Indian with unruly curly
hair falling at his shoulders standing beside him, “is Bollywood. That one,” he
says pointing a pale-looking built white guy with his hair braided back in
cornrows opposite him, “is Hip Hop, and the one in the circle here now is
Semper Fi.”
“Semper Fi?” Sage says looking at the bronzed
six foot six guy with cropped black hair in the circle.
“Yeah, he’s going to the Marines when he
graduates this spring,” I say as I reluctantly remove my arm from around him,
“There are four more that are in the weight room doin’ cardio today, Jax,
“You don’t have a nickname?” he asks me.
“Nope, Jake’s fine with me.”
“Unless the Amazons are callin’ ya
Jaaaakieeeee,” Bollywood says swooning like some groupie.
“Yeah, the ladies like to call me that for
some reason, doesn’t bother me though.”
“Cool. I’ll let them have it. I like Jake
“Ok guys let’s get back to work,” I say hoping
that my face isn’t red, “Let’s get you warmed up Sagie and we’ll see what
you’ve got to offer the crew.”
Amazons come out to the field a time later and I smile as Sage takes in their
appearance. He wasn’t expecting all of the ladies to be hot lookin’ chicks. Ali
comes over as the ladies start their stretches, “New guy?”
“Yeah, this is Sage Walker. Sage this is Ali
“Nice to meet you,” he says extending his hand
to her.
“Nice to meet you too Sage Francis.”
His eyes widen, “How’d you know?”
“Know what?”
“That that’s my name.”
“Really? That’s what they guys named you?
“It’s actually his name Ali,” I say.
“No way! Your name’s really Sage Francis!” That got the other Amazon’s attention. The
ladies come over and introduce themselves and do their girly little squeals
like Amber does when she thinks something is cute. I have to look away because
his blushing is making me want to touch his face in ways most naughty. Oh damn.
I can’t believe this is happening. While the Amazons are going all groupie-like
on Sage I take my turn in the discus pit. I watch my throw land and come out of
the circle and see that the Amazons have let up a bit. He’s still red though,
just wonderful.
“It seems like you’ve been replaced as the
favorite,” Mark says coming up beside me.
I shake my head, “That’s fine with me. I just
hope they don’t give him a hard time.”
“He should be able to handle it,” Mark says
looking him over, “Not too bad in the looks department,” he leans in to me,
“Better watch yourself or you’ll end up with a none too pleasant girlfriend. And I’m sure Aaron wouldn’t
be pleased either.”
As soon as he said that my chest started to
ache. I put my hand over my heart and hold it there. It felt like something was
stinging me. It was the sting of guilt. How can I even think of someone else? Aaron’s the only one I need.
“You ok Jake?”
I stare off in space a bit before answering
him, “Uh, I think I’m gonna call it a day. I just remembered that I have to
pick up Amber at her friend’s house today since Andrew’s busy. Keep an eye on
Sagie for me,” I say. Mark nods and I start walking towards the school. Ali
tugs on my arm as I walk by the shot pit.
“What’s up Jakie?” she asks.
“Nothin’, I just remembered that I need to
pick up Amber today, that’s all.”
“I’ll come with you,” she turns to the others,
“We’ll catch y’all tomorrow.”
They wave, and give a few cat calls, as we
walk back to the school. Most of the walk is in silence. Right as we get to the
main doors leading to the weight room Ali stops me.
“Ok, what is it really Jakie.”
I can’t say anything. I still feel the pain in
my chest. I can’t even look my best friend in the eye. I feel horrible. How can
I actually be entertaining thoughts of another guy? I feel her arms come around
me and I melt into her. She’s such a great friend. Furie’s a lucky woman.
“Someone made your heart beat a little faster
and it wasn’t Aaron, am I right?” she says quietly in my ear. I just nod as she
tightens her hug.
“I feel awful,” I manage to say back.
“Why does it have to be…now? Things are finally back to normal with Aaron and now this.
Ali, what do I do? We just had our anniversary and here I am getting all bothered
by another guy.”
“Oh Jakie, you'll get through this. Remember,
you two have been through worse situations.”
“Yeah, but those situations were affecting
Aaron, not me. I was just there for him. I’m
the one at fault here.”
“It’s not your fault that he looks good enough
to eat, if I were into men, that is,” she says, “All you have to remember is
that you’ve got the greatest boyfriend in the world. Not to mention he’s
I pull back a bit and look at her, “Ali.”
She shrugs and smiles, “It’s not like that’s a
bad thing. But seriously, Aaron’s fits you better than any other person on this
planet. You wouldn’t be with him if that weren’t true. The redhead can only
manage to make your heart flutter, but the blonde truly makes your heart race.”
I smile at her, “You’re right. No one has makes
my heart race like Aaron does. Even now. Thanks Ali.”
“No problem Jakie. Now let’s get out of here
and grab a bite to eat. I’m starvin’.”
I drop Ali off at her house before heading
back home. I get there just as Andrew pulls into the driveway. I park beside
him as Amber closes the passenger’s door. Despite our talk, I still feel a
little guilty about earlier.
“Jakie what’re you doin’ home early? I thought
you told mom you’d be done at five?”
“I wasn’t feelin’ too good today so I left
early,” I say getting out of my truck.
“Whatever it is don’t give it to me. I’ve got
a huge meet tomorrow and I can’t afford to get sick,” she says heading up the
walk way at a faster pace. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair and make
my way up the walk.
“What’s eatin’ ya little bro?” Andrew says
coming up beside me.
“It’s nothin’,” I say.
“It has to be if you’re lyin’ to Amber,” he
responds. I stop and look up at him, “I’m a detective remember?”
“It’s somethin’ I have to talk to Aaron about,
but thanks anyway.”
“Ok. Did ya get him something nice for your
My eyes widen, “…How’d you?”
“To quote Raime, I’ve got skills like that,”
he says, “And the fact that you were all smiles the other day and that had
nothing to do with off season training. Then I figured it had to be something
special and remembered that you two met not too long ago.”
I smile, “Yeah. You know, you’re pretty good
at this detective thing, so how come you can’t find a better girlfriend? That
Jessica’s almost as bad as the chick with the sports car. What was her name
“Sarah, Jessica’s history, too. I had to end that one. She expected me to
wait on her like I was a servant in her house or somethin’.”
“Drew, I hate to tell ya this, but you really suck at choosing women.”
“…Don’t you have a guy to go draw in the nude or
Aaron’s POV
After flipping through six hundred channels I
turn off the tv and settle on jazz. I sigh and lean back into the cushions as I
stretch my legs out on the sofa. Something is bothering Jacob. The last couple
of times he’s been here he seemed sad, almost like he’s done something wrong. I
wish he would tell me. I think back to the conversation we had at he beginning
of our relationship. He’s come across temptation. I knew there was a chance of
it happening, he’s still young after all and I’m his first. I wonder what
happened between him and this other person to make him feel this way. I have a
feeling that it’s not what a normal person would think. I reach over and pick up
the phone. Which one do I call? Ali or Jacob? I’m sure Ali would know if
there’s something going on, but then again, Jacob is my boyfriend. He shouldn’t
be afraid to tell me if something’s wrong. My phone rings answering my question
when I see Jacob’s name in the ID.
“Hey love.”
“Hey there. Are you busy right now?”
“Do you mind if I come over?”
“Love you’re always welcome to come over.”
“Ok. I’ll see you in a few minutes.”
“Sure thing. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
I can’t help but wonder what he’s thinking.
Well, I’ll know shortly.
The knock on my door brings me out of my
thoughts. I get up and go to the door, peaking though the hole to see my love
on the other side. I open the door and take him in my arms. He’s tense. I close
the door and he walks over to the sofa and sits. I sit close beside him, “Jacob
love, what’s wrong?” He looks down in his lap. I tilt his chin up to look at
me, his eyes are starting to fill with water. I lean my forehead against his,
“Just tell me what happened, love.”
“…There was…this guy…I’d seen him before at
the invitational back in April. I thought nothing of it at first….but the
second day of training Coach Morgansen came up to the pit with him. I couldn’t
help but feel…attracted to him. He’s a really nice guy, very friendly, kind of
shy. I don’t…I mean I know I love you
Aaron. I…don’t know how this could have happened…”
“Did he come on to you?”
He shook his head.
“Did you come on to him?”
“No!” his cheeks turn red. I take him in my
arms again. He squeezes me tight. I smile. He feels guilty that he feels an
attraction to someone else just from looking at them, “I love you Aaron, you
and you alone.”
“I know that love,” I say as I pull back from
“I really mean it. You’re the only man I need
in my life.”
“Jacob love, I’m not mad at you. You’re in
high school after all. There will be other people there that you’ll find
attractive. It’s natural.”
“Love, I’m not mad. I know you love me and I
love you.”
“I feel horrible.”
“Love you don’t have to feel that way. You
said it yourself that there will be temptation. You know how I feel about you.
You don’t have to feel like you’re a horrible person just because you seen
someone that’s attractive. I’ve seen my share of attractive people as well. At
then end of the day I know that I’ve got the only person in the world that
could ever make me feel the way I feel with you Jacob Tervan.”
He leans his forehead against mine, “Thank you
“I love you Jacob.”
“I love you too.”
“I…still feel a little guilty though…”
I smile, “I can think of a few ways to change
Lust pours into those dreamy chocolate eyes,
“Just don’t leave too many marks. I
don’t need my mom going ballistic on me.”
Jake’s POV
“Whoa Jake, your back looks like someone tried
to eat you,” Headbanger says coming into the locker room. I have to blush.
Aaron really did a number on me last night. I’m surprised that I can even sit.
He had a lot of fun reaffirming that we belonged together. Sage is definitely
out of my system…though I wouldn’t mind another round or two like last night.
I’m glad he limited his marks to places that I can cover with a shirt so my mom
doesn’t flip out. He claps a hand on my shoulder, “Fun night last night?”
I smile, “Yeah.”
“Just don’t let Ali see ‘em, she might get
I laugh, “Doubt it. She has too much fun
marking Furie.”
Headbanger smiles, “I wouldn’t mind markin’
her either, but then I’d have a very pissed off redhead wouldn’t I.”
“She’s a fourth degree black belt if you want
to take that on.”
He holds up his hands, “I’ll pass.”
We finish changing and head into the weight
room. The tank that I’m wearing covers most of the marks, but a few are in
sight and of course Ali sees them and calls me on them. Fortunately Sage isn’t
here today, I’m sure my face would match his hair. What is it with chicks
liking it when I blush?
Our session ends and I head over to Aaron’s
for some more quality time with my man before I have to go home. As I’m driving
to his apartment, my aggression starts building as I remember his thrusts and
his hands as they gripped me. Yeah, this time, I’m leaving the marks.
I open the door to the sight of Aaron in
bright yellow boxers asleep on the sofa with a book resting on his chest, music
playing in the background. I close the door quietly and silently make my way
over to my sleeping lover and sit on the coffee table and take in the sight.
He’s gorgeous. For a moment I’m torn between wanting to sketch him and wanting
to ravish him. The monster had other ideas. I’m sure I’ll be able to catch him
like this again. I look at the book on his chest and smile, it’s the book that
I dropped that day he met me in the bookstore. I carefully lift the book from
his chest and place light kisses along his collarbone. He shifts and moans
softly, my name slipping from his lips in slumber. I work my way down to his
nipples and draw a louder moan from him. I slide my left hand down to the
waistband of his boxers and dip underneath to my goal. I nip my way to his
neglected nipple as I stroke his length, feeling it harden in my hand. I stroke
him faster as I feel his hand thread into my hair as I’m teasing the delicate
bit of flesh in my mouth.
“Jacob…” he whispers as I give his head a
light squeeze. I lift my head and look into this ocean blues before taking his
lips in a passionate kiss. Aaron’s soon thrusting into my hand as I devour his
moans, his hands tugging at my ‘Green Day’ shirt. I break our kiss and nip my
way down his neck and back to his collarbone. I have this desire to see marks
along it. With every nip I make Aaron rewards me with moans of pleasure and
fueling my nature. Yeah, he’s not going to be leaving this sofa anytime soon. I
look down to see a nice dark wet spot in the fabric of his boxers. I’ve got to get him out of those things,
they’re starting to hurt my eyes.
“Lift up,” I say and he readily complies and
lifts his hips. Off come those evil things. I toss them over my shoulder, much
“I take it you’re not a fan of yellow?” Aaron
says at my actions.
“I have no problem with the color, but that
was just too freakin’ bright. Enough about them, back to what I was doing,” I
say before I resume nipping along his collarbone and hearing him moan. I trek
downwards to his navel, licking a nice slow path around it before taking his
head and doing the same around his slit making him gasp and writhe to my
pleasure. I take more of him in my mouth and his hands come into my hair. His
breath coming in gasps and his fingers tighten their grip as I suck harder on
him. It’s a good thing this sofa is a bit wider than the standard, he’s not
leaving it. I love the way he mewls when I lick the underside of his cock. I
snake my hand between his legs to fondle his sac and start again the slow
torture of licking his slit. I press the tip of my tongue against the small
opening and make the smallest circles possible and Aaron’s body starts to
shake, his voice a loud cry of lust. Yeah, might as well make him hoarse while
I’m at it.
His body starts shuddering and I can tell he’s
on the edge, he tries to pull out of my mouth, but that’s not happening. I take
hold of his hips and keep him in place as I suck on his head, I want his cream.
I moan as his seed fills my mouth, I barely hear him calling my name as he
climaxes. His body goes limp as I take him from my mouth. I turn to look at my
lover, his chest slowly calming from the rapid heaving to gain oxygen, eyes
closed, face flush; a beautiful picture. I mentally file that sight away as I
kiss him lightly on the lips, “I’ll be right back,” I say and I head to the
bedroom to get the all too familiar bottle of oil and a towel. Don’t want to
mess up the fabric on the sofa. I take the time to strip as well then head back
into the living room. Aaron smiles as he sees that I’m sans clothes. His legs
are spread just enough to tempt me to get between them and of course I go for
it. The towel and oil slip to the floor beside the sofa as I occupy my mouth
with his. I feel his hands as they travel to my ass, making me moan and
dripping. I need to get inside him. I break our kiss and reach down to grab the
bottle of oil. I sit back some and take in the sight of Aaron and the lovely
marks that are on his at the moment. I pour oil over my fingers and reach down
to tease his entrance, yeah he needs a few more.
I lean forward to capture his slightly swollen
lips as my finger slips inside him. I love the feel of his lips when they’re
like this. I take my time exploring his mouth as I prep him. He needs to save
his voice for when I’m pounding into him. We’ll see how sturdy the sofa is this
afternoon. I slide in another finger and kiss my way down his neck. Aaron
starts rocking his hips against my fingers wanting more. By the time I nip a
new trail to his nipples I’ve added a third digit and his hands are gripping my
shoulders, his voice pleading for me to take him. I stroke his spot a few more
times as I lean back to admire my new marks.
“Jacob…please…” he pants. I love the look in
his eyes right now. I place my head at the opening and lean forward to capture
his lips again as I push into his heat. Halfway through he breaks our kiss and
rocks his hips to impale himself on my cock. His hands grip my shoulders hard
and his body shudders with the pleasure of being full.
I smirk and whisper in his ear, “Impatient
aren’t we?” Aaron moans and squeezes me. I hold my place and nip along his jaw.
He starts squirming in an attempt to make me move.
“Jacob…stop…teasing me…”
I lick along his jugular and still his hips
with my hands. His whimpers are intoxicating to me, my cock absolutely loves it
as he squeezes my rhythmically. I come back to his ear, “What do you want
Aaron,” I growl and pull out a few inches.
“Stop…teasing…JACOB FUCK ME!”
My grin is feral, “What ever you say love,” I pull
back and look into his eyes as thrust into him hard. His eyes glaze over before
they close, his body arches into me, his mouth open with a silent scream. Truly
beautiful. I take his firm globes in my hands as his legs wrap around me and
slam into him. He feels so good as he feeds my aggression. I take a delicate
section of flesh at his neck between my teeth and squeeze his ass as I give him
what he wants. His fingers dig into my back as I pound him into the sofa. The
soft scream of the springs and the rattling of the beads at the bottom of the
dream catcher he has on display on the end table accompany the smacking of our
flesh, Aaron’s moans and my growls. His cock rubs against me nicely as my
stomach is slick with his desire. Aaron’s so hot and tight he makes my head
spin as I slide my left hand up his back to his shoulder and my right is at the
small of his back as I expand my mark on his neck. There’s no way in hell he’ll
be able to cover this one. His voice sounds wonderful as I hold his body to me;
I can feel him tighten as he approaches bliss. I groan as I feel my own coming
near and thrust faster into his luscious heat. His hands grip my back as
tightly as his tunnel does my cock when he stiffens, his voice raw as he yells
my name. I make him cream filled as I can’t hold back any longer, he feels so
good. I love coming inside of him. It’s all I can do to breathe. My muscles
ache from the exertion and I love it. Yeah, we’re definitely doing this again.
Aaron’s POV
I will never look at that sofa the same way
ever again. It took me most of the early afternoon to clean it. I could have
called in a professional service to do it but I’d be hard pressed to tell them
what the stains were. I had to stop a couple of times to calm myself when I was
cleaning it. I sit in the matching chair and stare at it. I told Jacob to fuck
me…and he did just that. My bum still feels tender but if he were here right
now we’d be going at it again. That was wonderful. I love him being in control.
I prop my feet on the coffee table and slide to the edge of the chair so I’m
not directly sitting on my bum and lean back into the cushions. A smile comes
to my lips as I remember Jacob waking me from my nap with kisses and how he
wasn’t fond of my yellow boxers. My smile pulls into a moan and my cock stirs
when I think about his hot wet mouth sucking on my head. I reach down and grip
myself through my white silk boxers. The way his tongue felt on my slit had me
pulling my cock out and stroking. That was some of the best sex ever yesterday.
It ranks right up there with the shower and outside on our anniversary. I
didn’t even mind the fact that I was scratching like crazy the next two days
afterward. The ways he took me that day were amazing. We’ll definitely have to
do that again before the summer ends, and take a blanket with us, “Sweet gods,”
I say aloud spreading my legs and stroking myself faster. I need him and bad. I
want, I need him filling me like he did yesterday. He wanted me begging and I
didn’t have a problem doing so. I wanted him driving in to me. I’m pretty sure
I felt the beams in the bottom of the sofa with the way he was drilling into
me. It felt great and I have to moan as I squeeze my head and my head falls
back, my eyes close. I want his hand stroking me as he did when he faced me to
the back of the sofa. I pushed my ass out wanting him to take me again and boy did he. He kept stroking my cock a tad
slower than this thrusts and it had me whimpering for more. Soon his thrusts
pushed my head between the cushions and the texture of the material had my head
in the clouds. I groaned as I remembered gripping the back of the sofa and
begging for more. His hands came around my body and gripped the sofa right in
front of me and all I could see were stars he was pounding me that hard. My
face heats up more as I remember coming to atop of Jacob, his fingers tracing
over my skin lightly, slowly making their way to my entrance and making me hard
again. His arms were around mine so I couldn’t move them fully. Soon his index
finger was inside me followed shortly by his middle finger. My breath gets
shorter as I remember the feel of his digits stroking my sweet spot, “Oh gods,
Jacob!” I yell as I stiffen and my seed shoots from my body.
I finally catch my breath and nearly jump out
of my skin as I open my eyes and sitting in front of me on the coffee table is
Jacob and his gorgeous smile, “That was some show you put on there,” he says
rubbing his hand over the bulge in his jeans. Oh yeah, he went to work this
I smile at him, “Yesterday was definitely one
for the books.”
That same smile from yesterday comes to his
lips again, “I think you need a shower.”
My smile matches his, “I believe I do.”
I get up from the chair and lean over to kiss
Jacob and he takes the opportunity to pull me into his lap. I love having his
arms around me. I love having my mouth flooded with his tongue. I occupy man
hands with the task of removing his shirt. I want to feel his skin against mine
and I’m not in the mood to wait until we get to the shower. I break our kiss
and work his shirt over his head and come back to those luscious lips of his. I
bury my hands in his silky hair as his try to rid me of my boxers. Maybe I
should just go naked on the days he works in the mornings and is off from
training. I stand up quickly and lose the boxers then straddle Jacob and kiss
him soundly. I grind into him as his hands fill themselves with my bum. I love
his hands on me, large and gentle as they knead my flesh. The friction of his
jeans reminds me of the sofa and I feel myself leaking already. I leave his
tresses and make my way down to his jeans. I need him naked and I know he wants
to feel his skin next to mine, “Get naked,” I breathe into his ear before
sliding off him. Jacob makes short work of the rest of his clothing and soon
I’m wrapped in his arms again. I get him to sit back on the coffee table and I
straddle him again, this time we moan in appreciation as our cock are rubbing
against each others. I don’t think we’ll make it to the shower.
“If we keep this up Aaron,” Jacob says
kneading my bum, “we aren’t gonna make it to the bathroom.”
I reach between our bodies and take his length
in my hand. I bring my forehead to his, “The oil is beside the chair.”
Jake’s POV
“Let’s not see how sturdy this table is,” I
say taking a hold of Aaron and standing up. I sit down in the chair and lean
over to get the bottle. I take hold of his length and pump him as I pour some
oil over his leaking flesh. I lean in and start a new line of marks across his
collarbone as his hand grips my monster. His cock gets harder and his moans
intoxicating as I nip him, his hand sending waves of pleasure through me. I
leave off his cock to put more oil on my fingers. He ducks his head for a kiss
as my fingers come to his entrance. I mimic the movements of my fingers with my
tongue and he starts sucking on my tongue and squeezing my fingers. I need to
be inside him. He strokes me a few more times before he lifts up and places my
head at his opening. He’s needy, just like yesterday. Aaron will ride me hard,
I can’t wait.
“I see we’re still impatient,” I say as he
eases down on my cock. I moan when he seats himself on me fully. I keep in
still and his hands come to push mine away. He wants to ride, I want him to
beg, “Not yet, I want to feel you,” I say and he stops squirming in my lap. I
lean back into the cushions and stare up at my lover, his ocean blues full of
desire and lust; beautiful. I file that sight away for future reference as he
takes hold of his cock and strokes for me. His eyes close and his head falls
back as he looses himself in his pleasuring and starts rocking his hips. I let
out a deep moan and my heads falls back against the top of the chair, god he
feels so good. I tighten my hands at his hips and he squeezes me just enough to
make me moan more and thrust into him. I let him start moving up and down and
I’m in complete rapture. My aggression picks up and I guide his hips to move
faster and I thrust up into that wonderful heat. He falls against me and kisses
me with fervor. I hold him to me and thrust harder, he grips me tighter and I
growl in satisfaction. Aaron buries his face in the crook of my neck and
strokes himself harder. He then nips his way up my neck to my ear.
“I love you,” he whispers just before I feel
the wet heat of his love splash between us and my love erupts inside his
tunnel. I will never let him go.
I’m loading the extra books from the history
section in the store on a cart when I see AV walking down the isle towards me.
“Never would have pegged you to be working in
a bookstore,” he says stopping in front of me.
“It keeps me from having nothing to do other
than watching my little sister during the summer,” I say standing up fully.
“I can understand that,” he replies nodding
his head. He looks around for a moment and then back at me, “What do you know
about that incoming freshman that’s training with you guys?”
“Sage?” I ask.
“I guess that’s his name.”
“Yeah, it’s Sage. Coach likes his technique.
He heard good things about him from his middle school and saw him at the
invitational and recruited him. Why? Something wrong with him?”
“Oh no,” AV says shaking his head quickly, “I
was just wonderin’ that’s all.”
“He’s a good guy AV, you should get to know
He shrugs and looks away. Yeah, AV’s got a
thing for Sagie. I had a feeling he did when he first laid eyes on him the
other day in the weight room. AV seemed to be enticed by his eyes. I’ll admit,
Sagie’s got a lovely pair. Almost as lovely as Aaron’s…almost. I really didn't know
if AV was gay, but the way he kept looking at Sagie kinda clued me in. That and
the fact that I've heard him turn down chicks that wanted to go with him.
“So he’s gonna be training with you guys the
rest of the summer?”
“Hey Jakie,” Julie pops up from around the
corner, “Can you help me with these boxes in back? They’re kinda heavy for me.”
“Sure,” I say smiling at her, “Well, gotta get
back to work.”
“Yeah, I’ll see ya around,” AV says then heads
back up the isle. Julie walks up beside me appraising AV’s posterior.
“Not bad,” she says, “Is he taken?”
“Not yet, but it’s only a matter of time,” I
tell her.
She huffs, “He’s gay isn’t he.”
“Sorry Julie,”
“Why are all the really good ones gay? First you and now that nice drink of
I smile and shake my head at her. Julie found
out I was gay when Aaron had called me on my break one day and was all smiles
the rest of my shift. She saw my phone sitting beside me when I doddling a
sketch of him and when he rang my phone she saw his name on the screen. Of
course that led to questions and she leaned over and asked me if he was my
boyfriend. When I went red in the cheeks she got her answer. She pouted for
about five minutes then got over it, “Come on, let’s get those boxes moved.”
“Hey…you have a brother don’t you?”
“He’s a detective.”
“…Damn it!”
Julie doesn’t date members of law enforcement.
Her dad was a cop and her brother’s a state trooper. I don’t blame her, that’d
drive me up the wall. I can only imagine what conversations at dinner would be
I just slip my phone into my pocket when a
rush of red hair flies by me and into the locker room, “I thought everyone was
gone,” I say and make my way to the locker room. I then remember Sagie was in
his own world doing cardio today and figured he might have lost track of time. It's
been a few days since I talked with AV at the bookstore. I wonder if he's
talked to Sagie. I shrug and push the door open to the room. I go around the
corner and see him sitting on a bench with his face in his hands. Now I’m
worried. I go over and put a hand on his shoulder and he squeaks and nearly
falls off the bench. I move in front of him and take him by the shoulders. I
ask what’s wrong and he looks at me for a moment. His face is almost as red as
his hair.
“Someone pull a prank on ya?” I ask. This
school’s notorious for such things. He shook his head and leans his head into
my chest. I then remembered that AV was playing basketball in the gym with some
other members of the football team. When their game ended he went to the weight
room. Something must have happened to embarrass him in front of AV. I wrap my
arms around him and let him know that whatever happened will probably stay
where it was. After a few minutes he looks up at me, his face back to normal
and thanks me. Yeah, he did something embarrassing in front of AV. Those two
would be great together. I offer him a ride home and he accepts. During the
drive I can’t help but notice that he’s a bit out there in thought. I guess
that comes with being a writer, always thinking of a plot or character.
“So what plot idea are you comin’ up with over
there,” I ask as we come to a stoplight.
He jerks his head in my direction. I smile,
“Oh, I wasn’t thinking about that. I was just wondering…”
I cock a brow at him, “…What.”
“How’d you two meet? You and Ali.”
“We’ve known each other all our lives
basically. Some boys in our kindergarten were pickin’ on her one day at recess
and I helped her clean house, so-to-speak, although she really didn’t need my
help. I wasn’t gonna let her deal with those three teasing her by herself.”
“Aw, such a gentleman at a young age,” Sagie
says as we start moving again.
“Yeah. Too bad my mom didn’t see it that way.
She thought I was trying to impress her. I couldn’t go outside and play for
like three days. A few days later at school some girls were trying to get me to
play house with them and weren’t taking no for an answer. Ali took care of ‘em
and we’ve pretty much had each other’s back ever since.”
“I bet there are a lot of chicks that wish
they were in her spot right now.”
I smile, “That is true, but since she’s an
Amazon, they know they don’t have a chance,” Of course they don’t have a chance
because women do nothing for me.
I drop Sagie off at his place and give him my
number in case someone is stupid enough to prank him. Thankfully the shot and
discus team don’t suffer the wrath of being pranked like others. Pranking has
gone down since Nikas has been principal. The ones that do happen were
definitely thought out. I guess things have to evolve if they want to survive.
I get home thankful that I don’t have to work
today. I was about to call Aaron when Amber came bounding into my room.
“Hey Jakie let’s do something today,” she says
sitting on the bed beside me.
“What do you want to do?”
“Let’s go to the mall.”
“You go there with your friends just about
every day shrimp,” I say running a hand through my hair. What is it with chicks
and the mall?
“No I don’t and I’m not a shrimp!” she says. I
look at her. She’s the shortest one in the house at five seven so it’s only
right to call her a shrimp. Her waist length curly hair and soulful brown eyes
make her look like a pixie next to me, “And besides, you still owe me.”
“What do I still owe you for?”
“For not telling me.”
“Not telling you what?”
She punches me in the arm, “You know what. The
art exhibit, remember?”
Oh, that. The Rodin exhibit is when she found
out about Aaron and me. I had told our parents that Ali and I were going there
and I guess she felt the need to grab some friends and go too. She cornered us
after her friends left and I had to tell her. She was a little hurt that I
didn’t tell her about it and I promised I’d make it up to her. I could have
sworn that the two hundred and twenty-eight dollars I spent in CDs and treating her to lunch at the
Brothers Juliani a few days after took care of that. Now I know what having a
girlfriend feels like. I feel for those guys, I really do.
“I thought I already did that,” I say. Then
she got the pouty look on her face. Shit, I hate it when she does that. It’s
almost as bad as her waking me up when I have the chance to sleep in. I sigh,
“Fine, we’ll go to the mall.”
“Yay! Let’s get Andy to take us, he’s off
today,” she says bouncing up and down.
“I’m pretty sure he’s worn out Am. He’s been
workin’ a lot these past few days. He might want to rest.”
“Aw, come on Jakie. We never get to do
anything as a trio anymore.”
She’s right. It has been a long time since the
three of us hung out. It was easier to do when Andrew still lived at home but
when he moved out it’s become a rarity that all three of us have been able to
even be in the same place at one time, “Ok fine I’ll call him and see what he
Amber gives me a hug, “Thanks Jakie!” then
takes off to her room. I dial Andrew’s number. It rings a few times before he
“What’s up little bro.”
“Amber wants the three of us to hang out. I
told her that you might be worn out from all the work you’ve been doing
“She givin’ ya the pouty face?”
He laughs, “Sure. I’ve got a few days off
anyway so it’s cool. I’ll be over in about an hour. That should give her enough
time to get ready.”
“Cool I’ll tell her. Thanks Drew.”
“No prob little bro.”
Amber was actually done and waiting for Andrew
with twenty minutes to spare. That surprised me since she usually takes her
time doing everything else. We were sitting on the porch when he pulls into the
driveway and tried to drag me down the steps before he stops. I guess she
really wanted to hang out with her two older brothers.
We get to the mall and indulge Amber in her
window shopping for a while. We end up in the food court and she treats us to
ice cream, or at least makes the attempt to treat us. Andrew glares at her when
she reaches in her purse for her wallet. She looks at him like ‘what’ and his
glare intensifies until she takes her hand out of her purse. Andrew will never
let a chick pay for anything if he’s with her. He’s almost too much of a
gentleman in that respect. Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem with it, but
with the chicks he’s been picking, I’d have them treat me. At least Amber knew
when to give up on it.
We sit down and start talking about various
things and it reminded me of how we used to hang out. Amber really misses being
around us. I feel kinda bad for not doing stuff with her like I used to.
Training, work, and Aaron pretty much occupy my summer and then there’s school.
I know Andrew’s busy with work. I’ve only seen him a few times this month.
“So what prompted this wanting to spend
quality time with your brothers Am?” Andrew says scooping the extra sprinkles
from his sundae onto hers.
“I don’t get to see you guys anymore. You’re
always working or dating some stupid idiot,” Andrew glares at her but she
brushes it off. He knew she was right, “And Jakie’s either at work, training,
or with his guy,” Andrew looks at me and I shrug, “Yeah I’m not too keen on the
fact that you two didn’t let me in on that. I mean seriously, did you guys
think I wouldn’t be able to handle Jakie likin’ guys?”
“I already said I was sorry Am,” I say before
taking a pull in my peach milkshake.
“I know Jakie, but why didn’t you say
something when he told you Andy?”
Andrew shakes his head, “It wasn’t my place to
tell Am. I figured he tell you when he was ready.”
“He only told me ‘cause I caught him,” Amber
says before putting a spoonful of sundae in her mouth. Andrew looks back at me
and I sigh.
“She went to the Rodin exhibit and saw me
there with Aaron. When her friends left she cornered us at The Thinker wanting
to know where Ali was. I had to tell her.”
“Yeah, if I didn’t go then I’d probably still
be in the dark. You two are big meanies.”
“If you didn’t go then I wouldn’t be out two
hundred and eighty-nine bucks either.”
“What?” came Andrew.
“Jakie bought me a few CDs and took me out to
lunch a few days later.”
“And it cost that much?”
“Two hundred twenty-eight dollars on CDs and
the rest was lunch at Brother’s Juliani.”
“Damn J, she lay into you that much?” Andrew
says smirking.
“She wanted three desserts.”
Andrew laughs, “Now you know how straight guys
“It’s gotta be worse for you since you seem to
be a magnet for Middlesex chicks,” I say. Amber giggles and he glares at us
“Hey, we can’t help it you suck at finding
women,” Amber says.
“Both of you can kiss my ass.”
“I’ll pass.”
“You should let us help you find a decent
chick to date Andy.”
“Thanks, but no thanks.”
“What, you afraid we’ll actually find someone
you’d like?” I say moving my straw around in my shake.”
“Don’t you have some weights to lift or
Amber laughs, “He’s totally scared.”
“Don’t you have some boy to terrorize or
“Nope Paulie was a jackass so I dumped him.”
“Who’s Paulie,” Andrew and I say in unison.
She looks at us before taking another bite of
her sundae, the corners of her mouth turned up.
“Do mom and dad know you’re dating?” I ask.
Amber shakes her head, “Of course not. You
think I want to sit through that crap you had to get from mom about Ali? And
besides, I haven’t seen him in a month.”
“Jake I thought you were keepin’ an eye on
her,” Andrew says to me.
“Hey, I work too ya know. How else would I
have been able to pay for all of that.”
Andrew looks at Amber, “Just be careful Am,
don’t let any boy make you do anything you don’t want to do. And make sure Jake
or myself gets to see the boy you’re dating. If he turns out to be a jerk tell
one of us and we’ll handle it. Got it?”
“Whoa Andy, goin’ all protective big brother
mode on me all of a sudden,” she says. Andrew just stares at her, “I got it
Andy. Any guy gives me problems I’ll let Jakie know so he can beat them up and
you can throw them in jail.”
“Just telling them your older brother is a
detective should be enough for them to keep them in line. No need to involve
me,” I say stabbing at the cherry that sunk to the bottom of my cup.
“Why not Jakie? If they see you they’ll have
to treat me right. They’ll be too afraid of getting their ass kicked.”
I roll my eyes at her and they laugh.
“She does have a point there little bro. They
might not be fazed that I work in law enforcement.”
“Don’t you have some trust fund chick to
“Ha ha.”
“Yeah, but back to you Andy, what the hell did
you see in those chicks?” Amber says dropping her cherry onto Andy’s sundae.
“Their tits,” I sneak in.
“Ew, you’re into fake tits Andy?”
“No I’m not and why are we talkin’ about me?
We’re still talking about you Amber.”
“I can handle myself Andy. Ali taught me some
moves to use if need be. If that doesn’t work then I’ll be callin’ you guys.
“Sure,” I say before popping my cherry in my
“Just be careful ok? And by all means stay
away from the boys that only want to get you in bed.”
“I do,” Amber says eyeing some guys walking
past, “Had to punch some old guy in the balls last week when I was out with
Annie and Amy. He wanted to be my sugardaddy and I told him no,” Andrew and I
both sat up in our chairs, “He kept following us around so I stopped, walked
over to him and gave him an uppercut to the balls. He couldn’t do much after
that. Mall security took him away.”
I had to smile, “Good job Am.”
“Did ya have to hit him?” Andrew asks.
“It was the only way he’d leave me alone.”
“If you ever see him again let me know. I’ll
handle him.”
“I doubt he’ll bother me again, but ok.”
“Either way, let me know.”
Ecstasy starts sounding in my
pocket and I pull out my phone.
“Hey love.”
“Hey there.”
“What are you up to?”
“Just hangin’ out with Drew and Am.”
“Siblings day out?”
“Something like that.”
“Well, I’ll leave you to enjoy it.”
“I’ll call you later.”
“Sure. Love you.”
“Love you too,” I say then end the call.
“Your man checkin’ up on ya?” Amber asks
sliding the rest of her sundae over to Andrew. I don’t know why she always
orders a sundae and never finishes it. If it’s any other kind of dessert,
she’ll clean it, but never a simple sundae.
“Like you want to know,” I say and finish my
“At least he looks cute. You guys gettin’ it
on yet?”
I choke on the last bit of my shake, Andrew
glares at her.
“What? It was just a question?”
“That’s none of your business,” Andrew says.
“He must be with the way he’s reacting to it.”
“I’m pretty sure it’s because you asked him
something like that out in public,” Andrew replies handing me some napkins. I
wipe my mouth and glare at her.
“Do I ask you if you’re gettin’ it on with any
of your guys?”
“Eww! Jakie!”
“Alright then, don’t ask me.”
“You’d better not be Am, you’re too young.”
“I know how it works Andy. They have this
thing called PBS, remember? And for your information I’m not. That would just
complicate things and I’m not in the mood to deal with all that bullshit right
you guys do when you make it with a chick.”
“And just what would that be?”
“You know, you guys like to brag about how you
did this chick this way and that. Making it out to be something more than what
it was. I mean really, must you guys exaggerate everything?”
“Where have you been hearing all of this?” I
“Guys like to talk outside when their with
their friends, makin’ themselves sound big and shit. It’s actually quite
“Sounds like you want to switch teams.”
Andrew looks at me, Amber shakes her head,
“Nope. I’m like you Jakie, chicks just don’t do it for me.”
“I guess that’s a good thing,” I reply
stuffing the used napkins into my cup.
“You know we’ll be there for you Am, no matter
which gender you love,” Andrew says before finishing the rest of her sundae.
“I know,” she says smiling as some more guys
walk by.
“And you know we’re there for you too little
bro,” Andrew says to me.
“Thanks guys,” I say.
“It’d be awesome if our folks were behind you
Jakie,” Amber says turning her attention back to us.
“It would be, but I know that’s not gonna
happen. They’ll hit the roof when I tell them.”
“You’re gonna do it after you graduate, right?”
she asks.
“Good. If you did it now you’d probably get
tossed onto the streets and I’d never get to see you again.”
“I wouldn’t be out on the streets. I’d be
staying with Aaron.”
“If that does happen, Aaron’s got an account
in your name with money in it. I’m sure the parents wouldn’t like either one of
us helping you out,” Andrew says.
“When did you do that?”
“A couple of years ago, when you told me you
two were together. You said he did investments and I figured he’d be able to
create some money for you to live on ‘til you got to college.”
“Thanks Drew.”
“No prob, little bro.”
“So why are our folks like that Andy?”
Andrew shakes his head, “I really don’t know
Am. Maybe something happened a long time ago and it had a negative effect on
them or something. I know that asking about it is out of the question.”
“They’re too old school for their own good.
They should be more like Ali’s parents.”
“That’s just how some people are Am.”
“It sucks.”
“I know,” Andrew says sighing.
“You guys are the best big brothers in the
Andrew and I smile.
That night after I talked to Aaron I sat there
thinking about what would happen the day I tell my parents. I know that it’s
not going to be an easy thing. I know they will come to hate me. I lay back and
look at the ceiling I can almost hear the anger in mom’s voice. I can almost
see it take her over as I tell them that I’m not lying. She may even hit me.
She’s never hit any of us, but there’s a first time for everything. I then
debated about whether to tell them at all. They are my parents and I love them.
It would hurt them to know that one of their children is gay. But on the other
hand, I can’t go on lying to them for the rest of my life. Should I just go
ahead and tell them now? I would be able to get it out of the way and I would
feel better knowing that I didn’t have to hide that from them anymore. True,
they would hate me, but they did raise me to tell the truth and I’m not doing a
good job of that right now. There’s also Amber. She’d be crushed if she weren’t
allowed to see me anymore. I know that it would eventually cause problems
between her and the folks. She gets her stubbornness from mom and if she
weren’t allowed around me she would find ways to see me. I don’t want to be the
reason they don’t get along, at least not now anyway. I know that at graduation
it would all come out but then at least I’d be able to help Amber. I sigh and
run a hand through my hair. No matter when I tell them, it’s not going to be an
easy day. I still don’t see what the problem is. What happened my parents for
them to be this way? Was it the way they were raised? I was a baby when mom’s
parents died and never knew my dad’s parents. I don’t think Andrew even knew
them. Much of the family is spread out over the country so it’s not like I can
just run down the street and talk to them. And the most simple of things,
talking to them, is out of the question since it could lead to me having to
tell them.
I get ready for work drained. I couldn’t sleep
at all last night. I kept replaying how my parents would react in my head the
whole night. There were so many situations and none of them pleasant. My dreams
shifted into one where just my parents turned their back on me to everyone I
knew turning on me…even Aaron. I get to work and Julie notices something’s
wrong with me. I take my first break and we talk. She lets me go early since I
was only going to be there ‘til noon and Tim was coming in early to make up
hours for having to leave early the day before.
I close the door to my truck just as the rain
starts up again. That just adds more to my tiredness. I’m not expected home any
time soon so I head to Aaron’s place. Sometime it’s good to have a key. I don’t
think I could drive all the way home right now. I go inside to find that he’s
not there. I make myself comfortable on the sofa and turn on some music. I
don’t know what it is about Aaron’s place that calms me, but I’m glad it does.
I close my eyes and let the music lull me to sleep.
I feel something warm on my chest. I open my
eyes to see Aaron sitting on the floor next to the sofa with his head resting
on me, his fingers twirling a lock of my hair, his left arm over my midsection,
“When’d you get in?” I ask sleepily.
“About an hour ago. You looked like you could
use the rest so I didn’t bother you,” he replies stilling his hand in my hair. I
try to sit up and he gives me a squeeze and shakes his head, “You’re tired
love, just rest.”
I close
my eyes as Aaron starts playing with my hair again, “I didn’t get much sleep
last night. Julie saw how worn out I was and let me go early. I figured it was
easier to just come over here then trying to drive back home.”
“It’s good that you did. You were sleeping
quite soundly when I came in. I thought I had woken you when I slammed the door
but you didn’t even move.”
I open my eyes, “What happened?”
“It was some more legal crap with Amshock’s
lawyers, something about a person claiming to be related to the bastard. I told
my lawyer to handle it. He was informing me of it. That was just to relieve stress, that’s all.
I reach out and thread my fingers through
those blonde locks and pull him close for a kiss, “Hope that helped to get rid
of some of it,” I say when we part.
“I can think of a few more things that can
help,” he smiles. I love his smile.
“Here, the bed, or the shower?”
“…How about all three.”
I smile.
Aaron leans forward again and I capture his
lips as his left hand makes its way up underneath my shirt. His fingers follow
the curves of my stomach as they make their way up my body and its wonderful. I
prop myself up on my left elbow and continue kissing him. We part for air and I
bring our foreheads together. While I was sleeping, he stripped down to his
boxers. Very nice. I look down and notice that he’s wearing those evilly bright
boxers again. Yeah, those are coming off now.
“Those seem to be your favorites,” I say
rubbing his nose with mine.
“I know how much you love them on me,” he
replies, his fingers playing with my nipple.
“I love you even more without them,” I say
sitting up fully. I motion for him to stand. I turn and face him on the sofa
and he gets between my legs. I pull down those evil things and lean forward to
kiss his stomach. His hands come to rest on my shoulders as I place kisses over
his body. I slowly run my hands up his legs and his bury themselves in my hair.
I kiss downward as my hands come to the backs of his thighs. I bring my right
hand around and take hold of his length and lick the tip nice and slow. He
shivers when I take a handful of his yummy ass in my left hand. I take his head
in my mouth and suckle lightly, drawing a groan from him. His glutes tighten as
he wants to hear him beg. I hear his breathing pick up and I take a little more
of him in my mouth.
“Jacob…please…” he breathes out. I suck a
little harder and he moans louder. I love hearing him moan. It goes straight to
my cock. I give his cheek a squeeze then
release his hard length, “Don’t stop Jacob.”
I smile up at him, “You like that?” he nods
furiously. I give his cock a long lick.
“Ja…cob,” his body trembles, “please.”
“What do you want Aaron,” I ask, yeah, this is
going to be a long afternoon.
I give him another lick, “Please what.”
“Put…me back in…” his hands tighten slightly
in my curls.
Another lick, “In…where…” he looks so sexy when he begs; his ocean blues pleading
with lust, his face flush with color, his chest rising and falling…damn my man
is hot.
“Y-your mouth…please…”
“You want me to suck you off?”
“Say it,” another lick. I stop at the tip of
his head, the bare end of my tongue touching him.
“Jacob…suck me…please!”
I suck his head into my mouth and watch his
head fall back and a groan burst from his lips. I focus my attention on his
beautiful length making him moan and buck against me. I glide my hand down his
shaft to play with his sac and he steps out of his boxers to spread his legs
more. I bob on his length a few times before puling back to having just his
head on my mouth. I lick his slit and take hold of his hips as he knees
threaten to give out. I can feel that he’s bent over me and his breath on the
back on my neck. His legs tremble as I make small circular motions with my
tongue over his slit.
“Ja…cob,” he pants.
I let up from my luscious torturing, “Yes
love?” I say, my breath washing over his cock.
“I…need to…sit down.”
I give his cock a kiss, “Ok,” he straightens
up and I stand up and take him in my arms. He leans heavily against my as I
hold him at he waist. My hands make their way to his ass and give him a
squeeze. He moans and rubs against me. I inch my way to his entrance and he
pushes towards my fingers. I finger his entrance and he groans into my neck.
Aaron keeps pushing and I slip my index finger inside him a bit. He sighs and
pushes more.
“I’ll need to some oil if you want more love,”
I say and remove my finger. He whimpers a bit before leaning back. He gives me
a quick kiss then steps out of my arms to the side of the sofa next to the
chair and retrieves a bottle of oil. I cock a brow at him.
“I figured I might as well keep some nearby.”
I step over and take him in my arms again. I
place light kisses over his face and he purrs, very nice. I take the bottle
from him and pour some over my fingers. Aaron rests his head on my shoulder as
I tease his entrance. I slip my index finger inside as he starts to nibble on
my neck. I push my finger in as far as it will go before adding another one and
gaining the sound of my shaggy blonde’s moan. He pushes against my hand as his
are working their way up my shirt. I slip in a third and he whimpers wanting
more. I take a handful of butt cheek and give him a squeeze.
“Hold still,” I sat in his ear. He moans in
protest but stills his movements. I move around and come across his sweet spot.
Aaron’s soon trembling again, his hands gripping my hips.
“Jacob…” he breathes. I let up and feel him
sigh against me.
“Sit down, I’ve got some more trembling to
make you do before I let you cum,” I say and guide him in front of me to the sofa.
He sits down and I kneel between his legs.
“No fair Jacob,” he says tugging at my shirt,
“You’re still wearing clothes.”
I smile and sit back on my heels, “So you want
me naked, huh?”
Aaron nods and pouts, “I want to see you too.”
“Stroke yourself for me,” I sat taking the hem
of my shirt in my hands. Aaron takes hold of his cock and strokes lightly. I
watch him for a moment before taking off my shirt. He leans back into the sofa
and spreads his legs wider, his eyes closed. I keep my eyes trained on him as
he passes his thumb over his slit. I’m definitely committing that sight to
memory. I stand up and get out of the rest of my clothes as Aaron reaches down
with his free hand to cup his sac. I kneel back down between his legs and still
his hands. His eyes open pleadingly and I smile at him. I lean down and lick up
his length while still holding his hands. I then take his head in my mouth and
suck hard. His hips thrust up and I hold them down as well. Nope, not gonna let
him cum that easily.
“Jacob…oh gods, please,” he begs. I could have
lost it right then.
I let up on my sucking then on his head
altogether with a wet pop that pushed his head back into the cushions. I let up
on his hands and hips to grip the base of his cock in my left and my right tracing
his entrance. He tries to thrust a few times but I keep my grip firm. I then
let go of his cock to add more oil to my fingers. I slip two fingers inside and
take hold of his cock again once I find his spot, “Don’t move.”
“Jacob please.”
“What do you want love?”
His breathing is labored, ocean blues
pleading, “I need to…to…”
I stop rubbing his spot, “What do you need?”
He wiggles his hips a bit and I shake my head at him.
“Please Jacob…let me cum…”
I smile, “Are you going to wear those evil
boxers again?”
“N-N-no, I-I-I’ll get rid of themmmm….please Jacob…”
I lean down about two inches from his steadily
weeping head. I pucker up and blow over his slit and quickly stroke his
spot. He sounds so wonderful when he
comes for me. His look is breathtaking as spurts of cream splash on his taunt,
trembling body. When he goes lax, I lick at the mess on his torso, still
keeping my fingers inside him. I lick him clean and stroke his spot again,
feeling his body jerk and then rock on my fingers. I slide in a third and watch
in satisfaction as Aaron rides them. I reach down and stroke myself in time
with his movements, letting a moan pass my lips. I can only take so much of the
sight before me. I pull my fingers out and move up on the edge of the sofa
hooking his legs over my arms. Aaron reaches down and lines me up with his
entrance. I push my head in completely and stop. Aaron starts to shift closer
to me to get more inside of him but I stop that.
“Jacob stop teasing me,” he begs. I lean
forward and capture his lips before slamming home. I bury my face in the crook
of his neck as he head falls back into the cushions again. I take a section of
flesh between my teeth and start moving inside him. The feeling of his passage
is so good that I can’t help but pound into him after a few thrusts. I wanted
to feel his body quivering…I can do that later. Moans and smacking flesh are
all I care to hear right now as he squeezes me.
After a few minutes of hard smacking I stop
thrusting. Aaron almost cries as I grip his hips to still him. I lean forward
and bring our foreheads together then reach down and take him by the cheeks and
lift up on my knees before turning over to sit on the sofa. I bring my arms
from under his legs and cup his face in my hands.
“Ride me.”
Aaron kisses me hard before he starts moving
on my shaft. His hands come to my shoulders and he drops heavy on my cock, his
head thrown back and moaning for the entire floor to hear. That’s my man. I
lean back into the cushions and hold my hands loosely at his hips as his body
bobs away, his cock bouncing off our stomachs at each movement. I take his
length in my hand and he gets louder as I stroke him just off of his rhythm. I
love watching him ride me.
“More…Jacob…faster…” he says on each down
stroke. He’s ready to blow. I thrust my hips up and stroke him faster, he feels
so good gripping my cock like that. I thrust up harder. As soon as his seed
hits my skin I join him in bliss. I feel his body collapse against mine, breath
heavy and I wrap my arms around him. I feel his muscles spasm around my cock
and I thrust gently a few times. I love feeling his tunnel wet with my seed.
After some time he sits up and smiles at me, “We’re gonna need a shower.”
I smile back, “I do believe you’re right
Aaron’s POV
I lean my forehead to his and laugh. He rubs
my nose with his before our lips connect. I love feeling Jacob inside of me. I
squeeze around his shaft and receive his beautiful moan. I know I want him in
the shower, but I can’t help but want another round on the sofa. I run my hands
through his hair and start moving up and down again. It’s not too long that
he’s fully hard again and I’m riding him steady. Jacob leans his head back and
closes his eyes. His mouth parts slightly and I have to stroke myself at the
sight, it’s absolutely gorgeous. Soon his hands are steadying my hips as he
thrusts into me. I lean forward and place my right hand on his chest as I let
him drive up into me. I bend down and kiss his parted lips just before another
orgasm takes me. I vaguely feel more of his seed flood me as I fall against him
resting my head next to his and closing my eyes. I love this man.
I open my eyes when I feel Jacob moving
beneath me. I sit up and smile at him, “How about that shower now,” I say
looking over his cream-splattered body. He smiles back and nods. I get off his
lap and take his hand as he stands. I lead him into the hall bath. Let’s face
it, we really haven’t had a whole lot of time together recently so I’m making
the most of it. Besides, the shower in the hall bath can fit the pair of us
perfectly. I open the door and start the shower. Jacob rubs his hardening
length against my bum and I’m already closing my eyes in pleasure. I stick my
bum out more and he gives me a squeeze before parting my cheeks and slipping inside.
I’m pushed into the shower as he fills me. Jacob holds me under the overhead
spray, his hands feeling wonderful as they roam over my body. I lean my head
back on his shoulder as his hands wash over my chest. His hands come to my hips
and he pulls out slowly then back in. I feel his cheek on my forehead as he
thrusts gently into me. While I do have a tendency to like it hard and fast in
the shower, I love the pace that Jacob has going. I moan and reach down to my
shaft and stroke in time with his thrusts. My big strong man being gentle, gods
this is great. His fingers interlock with mine as I'm stroking my length and I
can’t help but want to speed up my movement, but Jacob keeps the pace. With the
spray overhead, it’s like we’re outside during a gentle rain, “Oh, Jacob,” I
moan and place my right hand over his at my hip.
“I love you Aaron,” he says then kisses my
“Gods Jacob I love you too,” I answer as I
feel my climax approaching. His pace picks up slightly and I start contracting
around his hardness. I love it when he moans. I can feel the vibrations against
my back, “Come with me Jacob,” I say. I’m so close now. His hand at my hip
tightens as I squeeze him more. He speeds up our hands and soon we give into
“That was amazing,” I say as I look up into
his dreamy chocolate eyes. I never would have imagines that I would enjoy
gentle love making in the shower as much as I love it hard and fast. That last
hour and a half was excellent. I really loved Jacob’s tender side. I’m a total
shower sex addict now.
“A change of pace is a good thing once in a
while,” Jacob says running his hand through my hair, “When’d you cut your
“Yesterday,” I say resting back on my pillow,
“It was getting too long,” My hair was halfway down my shoulder blades and it
was annoying me with the way it tickled my back, “Besides this length is so
much easier to deal with.”
“Mmmm,” he replies. I love it when he does
that, “It was nice to see you with longer hair.”
I look up at him, “You liked it longer?”
Jacob smiles, “It was nice. I like this length
too,” he takes some in his hand and tugs gently. I feel my cock getting hard
quickly. Maybe I should have left it that length, “But there’s still enough
that I can play with.”
I close my eyes at the feeling of him tugging
my hair. He chuckles beneath me and tugs again. I never would have imagined
that this would feel so good to me. Sasha had done this the first time I met
him and it definitely turned me on. I feel Jacob’s hand come against my scalp
and I just about drooled at the sensation, his fingers slide through my locks
and catches after a few inches. Jacob tugs again, I’m rock hard now. I lift up
and take his lips in a furious kiss. I slip my legs between his as I invade
every corner of his mouth. His cock is getting harder as I grind my hips
against him. I break our kiss and look down at him with a wicked grin. Jacob
found my trigger. It’s a good thing there’s some oil under his pillow. I place
a quick kiss on his lips and work my way down to his nipples and spread his
legs further. I need to be inside him…now.
I get to his nipples and slide my hand
underneath his pillow to retrieve the bottle. I give his left nipple a nip
before sitting up and opening the bottle, “Keeping yourself prepared?” he says
with a smile. I pour some on my fingers then tease his entrance a moment before
slipping inside. I take his head in my mouth to keep him somewhat distracted
while I prep him. My cock is aching to be inside that tight heat. I don’t think
Jacob has even seen me this aggressive before, but then he’s never tugged on my
hair either. He’s in for a surprise.
I suck on him hard as I add more fingers. I
really want him moaning. I feel his hand come into my hair again as I take him
completely. I work my throat around him, his hips thrusting up slightly, his
moan delicious. I look up to see his head back in the pillows and his mouth
open, eyes closed. His hand tugs at my hair as I come up his thick shaft. I
love having his cock fill my mouth, but right now I want my cock filling his ass.
I remove my fingers and sit up. Jacob looks at me as I spread him a bit more. I
line up at his entrance and push in as I hook his left leg over my arm. I lean
forward and push into him. I close my eyes and hear his breathing pick up. I
can’t stop, feeling him around me like this, it’s unbelievable. Once I’m fully
sheathed within him I put my weight on my left arm and open my eyes. The look
in his is heavy with lust. I close my eyes and bow my head, gods he’s so
beautiful, and I want to fuck him raw. Jacob’s hand threads my locks again. He
tugs enough so that I look at him.
“You don’t have to hold back Aaron.”
“I…I…don’t want to…”
“Yes love?”
“Fuck me and fuck me hard.”
I lie down on my side and stare at the
wall, my muscles sure and burning, especially my ass. So that’s what Aaron’s like when he’s really in control. I smile as I
think about our last four rounds in the bedroom. I did tell him not to hold
back and he did just that. I know I’ve got bruises on my hips and I can only guess
what my back looks like. I chuckle remembering Headbanger’s description of my
back last month. I never knew that Aaron could be so aggressive. I like it. I’m
sure he feels the same way when we’re in the shower and I’m the one in control.
The rapture I saw on his face was unlike any other time, truly amazing. I’ll
have to remember that Aaron likes his hair tugged. That first kiss caught me by
surprise, hard and demanding. I could tell when he was prepping me that there
was some deep seeded desire to have his way with me. I mean really have his way with me, I’m
guessing like he wanted to do when I stayed over the night of that heavy storm
when we first met. Now that I think about it, he’s right. If he was like that
our first time, I don’t think I’d see him as the person I see now. And I doubt
we would have been together this long. Yeah, I really was naïve then. I’m glad
Aaron held back.
Soft knocking on my door takes me out
of thought. I turn over on my stomach and face the door. After a few seconds
Amber pokes her head in, muffled sounds are coming from our parent’s room.
“Get in here shrimp,” I say. Amber
slips inside and goes to the stereo and turns it on before climbing into bed,
“What’s mom venting about now?”
“Some guy getting a promotion yesterday
that didn’t deserve it. I think it’s the same guy that dumped that interior
design article on her at the last minute a few weeks ago. She practically did all the work and he got
the credit. Mom is pissed,” she says.
“I can understand that,” I reply. I’m
glad I don’t sleep next door to them. Amber turns on her side facing me. She’s
never liked hearing people argue, even when she was a baby. If someone was even
talking loud she’d cry until they quieted down.
“Uh, Jakie, you know you have teeth
marks on your shoulder right?” she says. The moon is shining enough light into
my room and I’m wearing a beater. I’m glad she hasn’t noticed any more. Then
she looks harder, “And there’s more on you back. Was Aaron trying to eat you or something?”
“Don’t worry about it. And don’t say
anything to anyone, even Andrew. He really
can’t know, got it?”
“You know I won’t,” she replies,
“Aaron likes marking his territory huh?”
“Stuff it shrimp.”
“Didn’t think you’d be the bottom in
that relationship. But then again, looks are deceiving,” she says smiling.
“Drop it.”
“It’s just that you’re all diesel and
Aaron’s like this X-games type. Just looking at the two of you someone would
automatically think you were the dominating one in the sack.”
“You want to sleep in your own room
“…Ok shutting up.”
“…We switch off anyway…”
She giggles, “I figured you did.”
“Can we not talk about this? I mean, you’re my little sister.”
“It’s not like I don’t know how it
goes. I’ve seen porn.”
“Yeah we are done talkin’ about this,”
I say, my face feeling hotter.
“At least we’re not related to Raime.
I can’t imagine how Sage Francis handles her as a sister.”
“You’ve met Sagie?”
“Yeah. I saw you takin’ some redhead
home not too long ago that didn’t look like Ali. I saw that same head of hair
at The Corner a few days later and Raime waved me over calling me Tervan cutie
number three. Is she bi or something? She was really checkin’ me out as I
walked over to their table.”
“Yeah she’s bi. She’s a little out
there too from what Drew says but she’s cool.”
“And what’s up with the no bra thing?
She had high beams like the entire time.”
“Drew says she’s never worn one as
long as he’s known her.”
“Doesn’t that attract the wrong kind
of people?”
“Just about every cop knows her. She’s
safe. No one would be stupid enough to do anything.”
“So how come you don’t call her
brother Sage Francis like everyone else?”
“I figured he could deal with one less
person callin’ him that.”
“So what does Aaron call him?”
I opened my mouth but stopped for a
second, “Aaron’s…never met him.”
“Why not?”
“We don’t run in the same circles
other than The Crew. I think he spends much of his time writing.”
“Think Aaron’d get jealous?”
“Aaron knows how I feel about him. No
one can do that.”
“Aw, Jakie wuvs his man,” she swoons.
“Shut up and go to sleep shrimp,” I
say. Amber giggles and pinches me on the shoulder, right on a row of marks that
is still tender. It got me thinking about Aaron and how I really wanted him to
have his way with me again; evil little sister. I spend the next hour thinking
I wake up the next morning grateful that I
don’t have work or training. Amber had left my room around three this morning.
I looked over at the clock on my desk and it read ten o’clock. I sigh and roll
over on my back. My ass is throbbing still, but it’s tolerable, and it reminds
me of yesterday. Just the thought of Aaron taking me like he did has me hard as
a rock. I pull myself out of my boxers and start stroking unashamedly. If there
was anyone home, it would have been Amber and she never lets me sleep past nine
so I don’t have to worry about anyone hearing me. I work myself to a steady
pace when I hear Ecstasy. I reach
over and grab my phone while I continue stroking, there’s no way I’m stopping.
My thumb passes over my slit just as I bring the phone to my ear and I moan
into the receiver. I could picture Aaron smiling on the other end.
“It seems I’ve caught you at an interesting
time love,” he says.
“Mmm…just…thinking about….aaaahhh…yesterday,”
I manage.
“That was wonderful.”
“What, ah, are you doi…oooh….right now?”
“Well, I can’t help but stroke myself after
the way you answered the phone,” he breathed.
I stroke myself faster, picturing my love
stroking his flesh, “Where are you?”
“At my computer,” he pants. I’ve always wanted
to see him getting himself off at his computer for some reason.
“What color…mmmm…are you…wearing?” I ask,
slowing my motions a bit.
“I’m not.”
I groan and speed back up. My stomach is tight
as I grip myself harder.
“Are you close?”
“Picture me swallowing your nice fat cock.”
That did it. My phone falls away from me as I
cum. When stop, I lay there in a daze trying to catch my breath…and wanting
“Jacob? Love? If you can hear me, come over as
soon as you get cleaned up. I want you to watch me again.”
I made it to Aaron’s place in record time.
Hell, I was coming over there anyway. I don’t even get the chance stick my key
in the door, it opens quickly and a hand grabs my shirt and pulls me inside.
The door slams as I’m against the wall, Aaron’s lips devouring mine, his body
pressed against me hard. His hands come under my shirt and push it up, our lips
parting briefly so he could take my shirt off before connecting again. There’s
no stopping him…not that I want to. He breaks our kiss and trails down my jaw,
his hands going to work on my pants. His mouth comes to my left nipple and he
sucks hard and hungry as he pulls down my zipper. I toe off my shoes as he
slides down my shorts, I didn’t bother with boxers. He switches nipples, his
hands gripping me, taking possession of my cock and strokes me firmly. Aaron
releases my nipple and drops to his knees and swallows me whole. My head hits
the wall as I’m quickly engulfed by his ravenous mouth. He wastes no time
working my length, one hand cupping my sac, the other holding my cock at the
base. I feel his moans as his head bobs on my cock and I close my eyes. Damn
this feels good. My hand makes its way to his head as I make the attempt to
look at him. The look in his eyes makes me groan as he pulls back to having
only my head in his mouth. He sucks hard on my head and his bobs are short and
excruciatingly wonderful. I want to thrust into his mouth, but his look tells
me that I’m not the one in control at the moment. I watch him as he sucks on my
head and it’s definitely one I’ll remember. He tongues my slit and I feel a
finger slip inside of me. I step out of my shorts and give him better access to
my entrance. His mouth is amazing and I can’t hold back any longer. He takes my
load with ease. When he gets the last drop, he pulls his finger out of me and
puts it in his mouth, then another, then pulls them out covered in my seed and
his saliva. Aaron’s fingers make their way back inside me and I close my eyes.
I’m in for a ride.
Aaron motions for me to get down on the floor.
He pulls out and I sink to me knees then to all fours. I move away from the
wall and he gets behind me. His fingers come back to my entrance to prep me. I
feel his lips against my cheeks then they make their way to my entrance. His
tongue soon joins his fingers as they probe me and I groan. He pushes more of
my essence inside of me and adds a third finger. He strokes my spot a few times
before withdrawing completely. I feel Aaron settle behind me and his head at my
entrance. I take a breath as Aaron pushes inside me, the moan coming from him
makes me hard again. He doesn’t stop pushing until he’s inside me fully. His
hands come to my hips and I feel him bend over and place light kisses along my
spine before he pulls out halfway…and slams back in. His grip is hard and his
groan is primal. I love it. I’m sure anyone walking by his door would easily
know what was going on on the other side as he pounds into me. I doubt he cares,
I know I don’t. I love the sound of our flesh coming together. I feel his teeth
on my back, creating a new line of marks and I feel my cock getting harder. I
love it when he possesses me. Aaron angles his thrusts and I get louder as he
hits my spot each time. I reach down and stroke myself to his thrusts, the
power of his movements making me heady. His grip on my hips becomes tighter and
his thrusts sharper. I squeeze him and he thrusts harder, his breath coming in
ragged pants. I rest my head on my forearm and grip myself tighter.
“Come,” Aaron says, his voice full of command
and lust, his cock hitting my spot hard. My body shakes hard as I cum all over
the polished hardwood, Aaron soon filling me with his seed in sharp spurts. I
sink to the floor with Aaron on my back and inside me. That has to be the most
intense orgasm to date. I don’t care that I’m lying on the floor in front of
the door in my own seed. Hell, I wouldn’t have cared if the door was still open
at this point, that was great.
It’s not long before Aaron starts grinding his
hips into my ass as we lie there on the floor. His hands travel up my body to
my shoulders as his cock hardens inside me. I push my ass against his hips and
moan. I want him pounding into me again. I don’t care if I can’t sit properly tomorrow,
I want this now. I feel his breath on the back of my neck as his pace quickens,
his cock nice and hard now. I lift my hips as much as I can to get more on him
inside me. Aaron takes me like this for a few minutes then he stops and pulls
“I want you bent over the coffee table,” he
breathes in my ear. He gets off of me and I manage to get on my hands and knees
and crawl over to the living area. Aaron moans as I make my way over to the
coffee table. I bend over the end of the table as he settles between my legs.
He pushes his head inside and I push back against him. His hands come to my
hips and I stop obediently, “Good pillow,” he murmurs then kisses the back of
my neck. Aaron slams home again, my eyes close and a loud moan passes my lips.
He comes to a nice steady pound before he reaches around and strokes my
dripping cock. I rest my head on the backs of my hands as I feel him drive into
me. His kisses and bites trail out to my shoulder as his pace speeds up. I
squeeze him and his thrusts become harder, causing me to grip the sides of the
table. I feel him take my flesh between his teeth, his moans primal and
decadent. His hand speeds up on my cock and I can’t hold it. I squeeze him hard
as I climax, feeling his cock pulse and more of his seed pump into me. Aaron
collapses on my back and I lie on the table, our hearts beating wildly, our
breath lost. I smile as I try to catch my breath.
Aaron’s POV
I finally catch my breath. Jacob is resting on
the coffee table, his heart still beating fast. I place a kiss on his red
marked shoulder blade and he moans. I slowly pull out of him and coax him into
lying on the sofa. I climb on my pillow and he wraps his arms around me. I
should let him rest some. The way he moaned into the phone this morning had me
hard and waiting for him to show up. I had wanted to watch me masturbate again
but this proved to be a lot better, I wanted to be inside him more. I loved
feeling his body shake when he came. The tremors his body gave off when we sank
to the floor stir me again. I slip between his legs and kiss his nipple. His
hand comes into my hair and he moans. I lick around his nipple until it peaks
then suckle on it gently, his moans vibrate against my lips. He tugs on my
hair. My cock gets hard completely and I suck harder as he spreads his legs,
ready for me to take him again. I feel his thick cock firming against my
stomach. I switch and give his left nipple the same treatment, my hand reaching
down and lining up with his wet entrance. I push inside and nip him. He jerks
slightly and I lick over the area. I push into him fully and look up at him.
His dreamy chocolate eyes heavy with lust, superb. I start thrusting into him
at a steady pace. I close my eyes as he rhythmically squeezes me. My hips move
faster, his hands travel up my arms and come to my head. I open my eyes and
lean down to kiss him passionately, our tongues battle and he squeezes me
“More,” he breathes as he breaks our kiss. I’m
back to pounding into him as I did in front of the door. Oh sweet gods I love
this man. Jacob reaches down and stroked his thickness, his eyes falling close.
I love the look on his face when he strokes himself. It makes me pound into him
harder and with even more passion. I feel his hand bring me down for another
searing kiss. He keeps me close as I feel his liquid desire erupt between us,
sending me over as well. I fall against him completely spent. His arms come
about my body, his hands resting at the small of my back. My exhausted member
slips out of him as I shift to rest my head on his chest. I drift off listening
to his heartbeat.
I wake up when I feel Jacob’s stomach rumbling
beneath me. I smile and place a kiss on his chest before looking up into those
beautiful eyes, “What do you feel like eating?”
“Something light, maybe pasta,” he replies,
hands moving down to squeeze my bum.
“I could order in from a restaurant or I could
make something.”
“Order in, you need to conserve your energy.”
“Oh really…”
Jacob smiles, “Yes, really. We still need to
take a shower or two.”
“Ok. Hand me the phone please,” Jacob reaches
behind him to the cordless and hands it to me, “Anything in particular you’d
“Spaghetti and meat sauce is fine,” he
answers, both hands back to kneading my bum.
I call my usual Italian eatery and place an
order, Jacob not making it easy to talk with his hands on me. As soon as I and
the call I toss the phone in the chair and kiss him deeply. I pull a tube of
lube from in between the cushions and put it in his hands.
“How much time to we have?”
“The hostess said thirty minutes since they
just received a large party not too long ago.”
“Good. I don’t want the delivery boy
interrupting anything,” he says as he pops the cap and squeezes the lube on his
fingers. They come to my entrance as I capture his lips again. He slips a
finger inside me and I move to straddle his legs. I sit up some and take hold
of his length and stroke to his movements as he slips another finger inside. By
the time he adds a third I’m whimpering and his desire is dripping. Jacob
removes his fingers and I give him a quick kiss before pushing his cock inside
me. As soon as I reach bottom I’m moving back up again. I love riding his cock.
I love to watch him as I ride, he’s gorgeous. His hands hold me loosely as I
bob, his moans are music to my ears. I settle on his shaft and move my hips,
drawing a deep moan from him and being rewarded with a sharp buck of his hips.
I moan and lean forward placing my hands on his chest.
“You have no idea how hot you look right now,”
Jacob says to me. I moan and tilt my head back and start bobbing on his shaft
again. His hips are soon bucking beneath me and I move faster. Jacob takes my
dripping cock in his hand and strokes me fast, driving my need to its peak. I
shout his name and grip him hard. He thrusts upward sharply and I feel his hot
seed flood me. I lean to the side against the back of the sofa to catch my
breath. Not even a minute passed before someone came knocking at the door
startling me. Jacob chuckles.
“It’s been thirty minutes love,” he says.