It had been a year and a half since graduation. I’m nineteen now. I began freelancing and my work was liked be a couple of magazines so I was doing all kinds of articles and mini-series for various publications. My parents weren’t too keen on me not going to school, but they knew this is what I was going to be doing when I graduated so it didn’t really matter. I wasn’t doing that bad at it either. I managed to make enough to move out of the house into my first apartment that was on the outskirts of downtown so I still had the loveliness of having trees and a yard. It was a duplex in an area that catered to the hippie artist type people owned by I guess the same type of people (not Jerrica’s parents) so the rent was actually cheaper than I thought. Raime came by on occasion to try and get me shitfaced. A couple of times it worked. She’s been overseas too long ‘cause I’m still a minor and yet she wants to have me as a drinking buddy. The place was just right for one but it could easily accommodate two.

Ok, I’ll admit it. I was thinking about him. I came across that short I wrote about him the day that I talked to Marcus that at his restaurant. Yeah, he managed to buy his parents out! I don’t even want to how he pulled that off. Anyway it got me thinking. I had seen him a few times since graduation.  His hair looked like it had been cut because it didn’t look as long as it should have been. He was going to the university where I took my classes on an academic scholarship. I’d even seen him with Blake once. I spotted Jerrica one day leaving The Corner. Something never quite struck me as right with her. I couldn’t put my finger on it. Then I remembered the conversation I had with Mr. Nikas. He had said that Jerrica wasn’t there that day. Then I thought about the video and it clicked. It was Jerrica! I remembered at his party when he put his arm around me she got that look in her eye that I brushed off at the time.  I hit my head with my hand a couple of times, “How could I have been that fucking dense!” I said out loud to the walls of my place. I needed to talk to someone. I called Jake, Aaron answered and told me he was resting since he had caught the flu. Shit! Andrew had been promoted to senior detective so I wouldn’t be able to get a hold of him. Rocket hadn’t returned yet from Japan (a present from her dad she decided to cash in on since the new Yamahas were coming out that fall). Citrus was in school and then I remembered Raime was coming into town later on in the day if she weren’t already here. She stopped giving notice when I moved out. Dad was designing her a house that’s why she never moved out. She invests much of her prize money so she can purchase a nice amount of land to build it on. She’s lookin’ to have something in the country to remind her of Europe when she’s in the states. She wants at least twenty acres to work with. I dialed her number and heard her phone ringing outside of my door. I opened it quickly and pulled her inside.

“Whoa, what’s goin’ on Sage Francis?” she asked.

“I fucked up…big time!” I said.

“What, you get drunk and got some chick preggy?”

“No! Hello, gay man here. I fucked up with Avan.”

“Oh really. Well this oughta be interesting. How did you finally come to this conclusion?”

“I remembered what Mr. Nikas had told me that day when I went back after my suspension. He said that Jerrica wasn’t there that day it happened. She could have been the one that hacked the system!”

“It’s possible since she is a comp geek,” Raime said.

“What? How do you know that?”

“I did a little checkin’. You had told me that his party was at his friend’s house so I called Rocket and asked her who his friend was. She gave me a name and Andrew did some digging,” she said sitting down on the sofa, “Turns out she was expelled from The Grennich Academy for Young Women for hacking the system and deleting the entire school registry. Some teacher gave her a lousy mark in a class and it pissed her off.”

“And how long have you known about this?”

“Oh, for a good minute.”

“Basically you’ve known for a while and never told me?”

“You should have listened to Jake’s advice. You were the one that flew off the handle and started accusing him without doing any research. I can’t believe it took you ‘til now to figure that out,” she said. She’s right, I didn’t go checking into who hacked the system. I just figured it was Avan ‘cause of the conversation I overheard at Jake’s grad party. Please, you are more than welcome to throw bricks at me. I deserved it, “How did you come across this bit of enlightenment anyway?”

“I was reading a sketch I wrote back before it happened that was about him and it got me to thinking and then I remembered seeing Jerrica the other day at The Corner,” I said sitting down beside her, “There was something about her that never sat well with me. Then I remembered at his party, Avan put his arm around me and she didn’t like that. That’s when it clicked.”

Raime smacked me on the back of my head.

“Ow, what was that for?”

“For being a complete dumbass. Now get me a beer, I’m thirsty.”

I got up and got her one and when I sat back down again she smacked me again, “What was that one for. I didn’t say anything.”

“That’s because you didn’t notice that that Jerrica chick didn’t come back to your school after that. While you were on suspension Andrew caught who hacked the system. I was her. Instead of making a big deal about it she agreed to transfer to another school. Avan wasn’t happy to hear that it was her who spied on you to gettin’ it on. I don’t think he’s talked to her since he found out.”

“…I really am an ass, aren’t I.”

“Of epic proportions.”

“But why hasn’t he tried to call me and tell me he knew who did it?”

“Can’t say on that one,” Raime took a long drink of her beer, “Maybe he’s moved on?”

“…Shit. I ruined something good, didn’t I.”

“My guess is abso-fuckin’-lutely. David wasn’t too pleased to hear that you never made up with him. He liked you two together.”

David? You’re still talkin’ to Mr. Nikas?”

“It’s ok to call him by his first name now, you’re done with high school, remember? And yes, I’m still talking to him…and Hama.”

And Hama? What are you shootin’ for? A threesome?”

She took another drink, “Yeah we did that last time I was in town. He’s got a thing for Asian chicks as well.”

If I were drinking on something I surely would have spit it out then, “RAIME!”

“Well, look at the time,” she said setting her bottle down on the coaster on the table and getting up, “Gotta go and meet up with them. They get pissy when I’m late. I’ll tell them you said hi.” And with that she was gone. What the…oh never mind.

I went to bed that night unable to do anything. Here I am, this kid that was smart enough to graduate a year early and successful enough to move out on his own as his own special birthday present and I couldn’t figure out something that was obviously simple for everyone else. Some brain, huh. The next day I moped around and barely did anything. I was upset with myself. I just lost the best thing that ever happened to me ‘cause I was a stubborn bastard. Damn, he was right…

That night I decided what the hell and take a swig of Raime’s stash of illegal beers (she sends them to me via UPS) and only managed to make it through one. Those fuckers were strong! A true import. It was gettin’ warm in here so I took off my shirt and opened the window in my bedroom since I had decided to drink in there for some reason. I was tipsy, but not enough to be considered hella drunk or anything when my doorbell rang. Thinkin’ it was Raime I went and answered the door only to find those eyes looking back at me. My mouth was gaping open like a carp. I thought I was seeing things. Hell, with that beer, I could have been.

“Can I come in?” he asked. I stood aside and let him enter. He was wearing those basketball shorts and a blue sleeveless t-shirt like he might have just come from the gym or something. I blinked a couple of times and remembered to close my mouth. I shut the door and the next thing I knew I was wrapped in his arms from behind. I could feel his heart beating against my back, his breath ghosting against my neck, his hands gripping me like they did the first time he ever touched me that day in advanced lit. The grip was strong and sure, “I’ve missed you so much.”

My heart skipped a beat, “I’ve…missed you…too.” I couldn’t help it. Tears started flowing down my cheeks. He turned me around and wiped away the streaks of water from my face then kissed me. It was even more special than the first one he gave me in the bathroom at school. I kissed him back with everything I had.  I wanted to feel every inch of him against me. I had my hands on his hips when he turned me around and they began their climb up under his shirt I ghosted my fingers along his ribcage and was rewarded with a muffled giggle. He broke the kiss long enough to smile at me with that smile. God I love that smile. I initiated another kiss and let my fingers this time inch their way over his stomach to his nipples. The way he moaned almost made me cum right there, I missed it so much.  I ground my hips into his and felt his cock against mine. That had him taking my ass in his hands and keeping me tight against him while our tongues massaged each other. My fingers played with his nipples and that got me pushed to the wall forcing us even closer together. His hands had made their way into my shorts and were kneading my flesh while pressed against the wall. I missed those receiver’s hands, the way they felt on my ass was incredible. I felt his hands pull down my shorts as he began kissing my neck and it was all I could do not to come. I really missed that wicked tongue. My hand just wasn’t the same as that hot mouth of his.  He stopped at my nipples as I felt my shorts drop to my ankles while he took each one in his mouth and savoring it like it was the first time. I threaded my fingers through those locks of hair that were damp and smelled just-out-of-the-shower fresh. My head thudded against the wall as his hand closed around my unit and stroked slowly. I had to thrust into that hand. I hadn’t bothered to get myself off lately and this was definitely welcome. I almost lost it when his mouth moved lower still and I could feel his breath trickle over my cock. I stepped out of my shorts and spread my legs a bit so he could kneel down in front of me and nuzzle my sac. I was steady leaking as his thumb brushed over my head smearing my pre-cum over my head. Then bliss happened, he took my head in his mouth and flicked over my slit. It only took a few times before I was gripping his hair tightly trying to pull him away. Avan was not havin’ it. He took my entire length in his mouth and swallowed around it. I was gone. My head hit the wall hard as I cried out in pleasure feeling my seed leave me and enter him. Fortunately my neighbors weren’t home at the time or they would have come by to see what all the banging was about. I slid down the wall after Avan sucked me dry, coming to rest in his lap. His hair was mussed and his smile breathtaking. I could only smile back at him. If this were a dream, I never want to wake up. Thank you Raime for the alcohol!

“Where’s you bedroom?” he asked, I pointed to the open area off to the side of the kitchen. He grabbed me by the ass and hauled me up against him. I instinctively wrapped my arms and legs around him as he carried me to the bedroom. I rested my head on his shoulder for a short moment until he leaned over and I made soft contact with my bed. I pulled him to me for another kiss. I was already on the way to being at attention again by the time we broke for much needed air.  He quickly shed himself of his clothes and he was back against me. I felt his length hard and hot against my cock and stomach as he nuzzled my neck. I needed more. I needed all of him, “Lube?”

I reached out blindly to the nightstand drawer and opened it. Avan retrieved the bottle of lube from its depths and poured some onto his fingers. He set it aside on the table and came to capture another kiss while those lubed fingers were lightly tracing over my entrance. He went back to my nipples and slipped a finger inside. The initial feeling was a bit different than my own fingers but felt good none-the-less. My mind went back to focusing on the delicious sensations that were being lavished on my nipples as he stretched me for him. He moved lower and took my head into his mouth again as he added another digit inside me. I started thrusting to feel more of both his mouth and his fingers. Avan released my head and placed his other hand on my hip. I whimpered, “Shhh, it’ll come soon enough,” he said and added a third. He took to lapping at the small puddle of cum on my stomach as his fingers widened me further. My cock twitched each time his tongue brushed against it, causing me to leak more.

“Avan…please…I need…” I panted as his fingers brushed ever so slightly against my spot.

“Don’t worry, you will soon,” he said stretching me as wide as he could. He took his time which I was really grateful for. He knew this was my first time.

I couldn’t take it anymore. I was rocking on his fingers wanting them to hit my spot so bad. I broke out in a sheen of sweat and was grateful that I opened the window earlier since a gentle breeze came through to cool my heated skin. He then removed his fingers and leaned forward to kiss me again. I moaned against his lips wanting to finally feel him inside of me, “Please Avan. I need you in me.”

“Ok,” he said. He grabbed the bottle of lube and drizzled it on his cock. I reached down and coated his length, which drew a pleasured hiss from him. I smiled and gripped the back of my legs at the knee and spread myself wide for him. I looked into his eyes as he positioned himself at my entrance. He smiled back at me then began to enter me. Sweet mother of caramel he was big! I thought I was gonna split in two from his head alone, but Avan took his time moving slowly stopping every inch to gauge my reaction after his head finally made it inside. I was definitely breathing heavy. My eyes were closed shut as I fought to relax. I felt his hand wrap around me firmly and pumped slowly making my brain forget that I’ve got a massive cock filling me inch by inch. He leaned forward and captured a nipple in his mouth as he slid in another few inches. Remember folks, I said he was a thick, two hander so it was gonna take a while to get him inside me completely.  

Soon it happened; I felt his sac against my ass. He was inside me completely. He let out a breath and stayed there above me. I opened my eyes to see his full of passion. I reached up and brought his lips down to mine as I wrapped my legs around him. I squeezed him gently and was rewarded with a deep moan. I shuddered as I felt myself get harder. He felt so good, so complete inside me. He withdrew a little and pushed back inside. My head flew back into the pillows, my mouth open, it was the most exhilarating feeling I’ve ever felt. Avan’s cock was stroking my spot with even the most minute of movements. He withdrew more and pushed back into me with the same gentle pace so I could get used to his massive size moving within me. Time stood still for me as all I could do was breathe as he emptied and filled me over and over. The sounds of our passion mingled with the sounds of the night as he took me. The look on his face was one I’ll never forget. Locks of his hair had clung to the side of his face and neck, his eyes were half closed and his mouth open slightly to breath in and moan out with each thrust. I pulled him down for another kiss and felt his pace pick up. It felt so good! I didn’t want him to stop.

“Avan…ohhh…Avan…” was all I could say as my head tossed this way and that on the pillows. My cock was rubbing against his stomach as he was over me with his head buried in the junction of my neck and shoulder. His left forearm was bracing himself on the bed to keep his pace while his right arm was under the back of my leg, his right hand was in the crook of my hip gripping my thigh.  His pace then sped up and so with it his moans became louder as well as mine. I couldn’t think, only feel. The weight of his body above me, the feel of his cock inside me, the feel of mine being stimulated by his tight abs, his hand at my thigh…I was in overload. My stomach began to feel heavy and tight as I felt myself squeezing around Avan driving his pace faster. I felt his lips at my ear.

“Come for me my love.”

That’s all I needed to hear. I think I came harder than I did that night he was making up for the race. All I can tell you is what I felt when I came to. His body beside mine, his arm at my waist, and that gentle breeze that made me shiver.

So now we’re back to the present. Quite a tale if I say so myself.

“I’m sorry. I was being outrageously stubborn,” I say against his chest, “It took me reading a sketch I wrote over a year ago to realize that you didn’t do it.”

“What was it about?”

“…You getting off in the shower and someone watching you.”

“So who was the person watching me?”


His hand caressed my mussed hair. I had put it in a low ponytail earlier in the day with the hopes of getting some work done. That turned out not to be the case as you can see. Yes I was a stubborn jackass, but somehow, he came back to me. I thought for a second and propped up on an elbow, “How did you find out where I lived?”

“Raime told me a couple of months ago.”

“So you’ve known where I’ve been all this time and you never came around?”

“…I wasn’t planning on ever coming,” he said stroking my back, “I had seen you a few times around the city and you looked happy. Like when we first met. I…thought you may have found someone else so I stayed away. It wasn’t until Raime called me yesterday that I made up my mind to come see you. Even if it was for the last time.”

“Well I hope you aren’t planning on skippin’ out on me any time soon.”

“Not as long as you aren’t.”

“Good,” I said as I snuggled against him smiling. He then smacked the back of my head lightly, “What was that for?”

“For not believing what I told you that day. I said I loved you.”

“My fault. Let me make it up to you?”

“Later. Sleep now.”



“I love you too.”



As you can see, Avan and I are back to normal. It was like we hadn’t talked to each other for only a few days. I decided to move in with him. Well, he decided that I should move in with him and my stomach agreed. He came over one Saturday morning and made breakfast for me. Then he said that I could eat like this all the time if I moved in with him. I had wanted to say no, but my stomach started growling…loudly. Can’t argue with that.  I told the parents that we made up a few days after that fantastic love making. They were glad to see me really happy again. His folks weren’t too keen on him being gay, especially when they found out how he was gay. Apparently that video of us was still on the net somewhere and one of his younger sisters, Isis I think it was, came across it while doing some research on dolphins. It seems she clicked on a link that was intended to talk about a dolphin’s blowhole and got that video instead. She showed Kara, Kara showed their mom and Avan was rushing out of the middle of his physics class only to come home to an upset mom and two blushing sisters. He saw the video and nearly fainted. His mom asked him if that was the thing that they were talking about on the news that time back when he was sick. That had to be an awkward moment. They moved on and accepted it not too much later. It’s not like they weren’t gonna get any grandkids, hell there’s still seven other children!

Strangely enough Raime, David, and Hama all live together at his loft apartment until Raime’s house is completed. She was able to make a bid on a nice chunk of land that had a lien against it and won only having to pay a fraction of the appraised value. She was stoked! She took us all out to dinner to tell us the news, along with the news that she was going to be living with David and Hama. That got some stares in our direction but we didn’t care. Hama and David were sitting with Raime in between and she playing with them under the table. Avan and I were suckin’ face at the table like a pair of horny teenagers until mom told us to save it for somewhere else. Amber giggled and Brahm was sliding his hand up her skirt until mom threatened to chop off his hand if it went anywhere below the table top. Andrew gave him the same look mom did. Jake wasn’t too put off by his sister dating Brahm. He knew she was as hard to budge as a brick wall when it came to something she wanted. Aaron thought it was adorable. Those two are planning a surprise engagement party for Rocket and Luke. He popped the question to her while they were in Japan at a hot springs retreat.  It seems they had been dating since they were in middle school despite the fact that they never went to the same school. It’s still strange to hear Luke call her Euridyce, and she doesn’t ride as much as she did back in high school. I think she said something about riding here isn’t as thrilling as it was to ride in the mountains of Japan. The party will be when those two come back from Japan again in two weeks.

Another strange side is that I saw Jerrica one day in the mall. I bumped into her as she was walking out of a department store with her arms full of bags. I helped her gather her things and we actually sat and talked. She apologized for posting the video. At the time, Blake had filled her head with nonsense about Avan actually being in love with her and since she had known him for a long time, she believed it. So when she saw him put his arm around me she went rushing off to ask Blake about me. Blake then again proceeded to fill her with more crap and then gave her the idea to tape us thinking that Avan would be there to see it and think it was my fault. She didn’t know that Blake had altered the footage before she loaded it to only cause embarrassment to me. It seems Blake has some skill of his own. She said she broke most of her nails beating on Blake when Avan laid into her about it. That was when she was caught and decided to just transfer to another school rather than bring about more trouble.  I asked her about the conversation they were having in the woods at Jake’s grad party. She told me that it was a surprise party for a friend of theirs that was moving back to the states a few months later. She never told Avan that Blake was the one that gave her the idea. Well, I guess that pretty much sums up my life. I’ve got a strange sister, an overactive brother with parents that keep him in line; a great group of friends and the best lover in the world. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m getting some ‘Little Wing’ treatment today and I’m not going to be late for it.


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